
A Natural History – The 6 Phases of the Seducer’s Cycle

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 A Natural History – The 6 Phases of the Seducer’s Cycle

A Natural History – The 6 Phases of the Seducer’s Cycle

James Marshall’s map for long term seductive success
This is the release of James Marshall’s book – A Natural History: The Seduction Journals of James Marshall. It serves as a comprehensive blueprint to natural seduction and lifestyle design. In his book, James takes you through his beginnings to epic seductions, and how he tested the extreme possibilities in sex, seduction, and lifestyle.

This book is intended for men who want to discover the insights, secrets, and confessions of a pure abundance lifestyle, and choice in your female relationships.

The offer includes his ebook and the 3-month online course – The 6 Phases of the Seducer’s Cycle. The online course functions as an actionable follow up game plan. It is intended to help you create your own long-term seduction journey and consist of strategies and mindsets to prepare you for success with women.

Table of Contents:
A Natural History eBook
– 300+ pages of seduction journals by James Marshall
– How to embrace the spiritual side of seduction
– How to get and fall in love the woman of your dreams
– Learning how to create different kinds of female relationships
– Navigating the path of the 6 Phases of the Seducer’s Cycle to achieve success
– The secrets to attracting opportunities in seduction, travel, business, and lifestyle
6 Phases of The Seducer’s Cycle Course

Phase 1: The Beginner’s Mind
Phase 2: The Dating Game
Phase 3: Multiple Lovers
Phase 4: The Breakdown
Phase 5: The One
Phase 6: The Breakup
Bonuses include:
– 1: Three Q&A webinars on the 6 Phases of the Seducer’s Cycle Course For three months, at the end of every month, you will be part of a 90-minute live webinar on the specific content, and workshop, including addressing specific problems.
– 2: The 5 Principles of Natural Seduction meditation audios This includes a meditation instructional audio to understand and learn how to do it, as well as a 20 minute guided meditation to use daily.
– 3: Behind the scenes interviews with characters from the book Skype sessions with characters from the book, including underground naturals influential to Marshall’s development, who saw his progression to seductive hero.
– 4: James Marshall original album – On The S.S. Anytime by Baron Samadhi
– 5: The Band – James Marshall starred in his own porn movie as part of his process in becoming a natural.