
Bradley Long – Ecom Conversions

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Bradley Long – Ecom Conversions

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The Most Complete Training On Rapidly Growing An E-Commerce Business Using Conversion Rate Optimization

This groundbreaking training is ideal for intermediate and advanced Shopify store owners.

It teaches how to get double and triple-digit improvements in conversion rate using a unique 5-step process.

Your buyers will also learn how to accurately run a split-test so they can measure to the penny the improvements they make.

If your list have previously bought Shopify trainings through you, this is the next logical step for them to take things to the next level!

Boost your Shopify store’s sales by up to 235% without spending an extra penny on traffic
A Special Message to All Shopify Store Owners Who Want to Rapidly Grow An e-Commerce Business:
On this page, I’m revealing.

The fastest way for your store to achieve market dominance
Why “best practice” isn’t best for your site
The one immutable law of business growth
The best-kept secret of e-commerce store owners who get rich!

How to be 3x more profitable then your competitors without having to be 3x better than them

eCom Conversions™ Secret #1 – Adopt The Conversion Master’s Mindset

As well as covering all the basics about how to setup a split-test, this fast-start module gives your business new light through old windows.

You’ll start to see your entire business as a constantly shifting experiment and you’ll quickly stop deliberating over what will and won’t work.

Your decisions won’t be a gamble anymore.

You’ll put your customers in charge, so to speak.

(On top of this, there’s a fantastic side effect, in the age of social media, companies that put their customers first tend to thrive.)

This game-changing mindset-shift stops you wasting money on the endless changes you’ve been making to your website that you have no idea whether they’re helping or hindering your conversion.

Not only that, but your internal processes will be streamlined by following this simple system for creating split-tests. No more lengthy and expensive website redesigns, your website’s design will be an evolution of winning split-test designs.

But in order to ensure you race out of the starting gate at maximum velocity and on the right trajectory, you need to know which of your webpages have the most wealth hidden in plain sight.

eCom Conversions™ Secret #2 – Find the Leaks in Your Bucket

Because you’re in the trenches of your business and you more than likely have built it from the ground up, it’s hard for you to see it as your visitors do.

This easy-to-follow module highlights your biggest testing opportunities by showing you precisely how to drill into your Google Analytics (even if you’re completely new to them) and see how visitors flow through your site.

What you get from this is a quick snapshot of how visitors arrive at your site and where they came from. You’ll be able to see exactly where your visitors are dropping-off in frustration or looping back to other pages in confusion.

This may sound like a lot of work but you won’t be spending long in your Analytics account.

Once you’ve gleaned this valuable information and sketched out your entire conversion funnel as a simple flow diagram (this can literally be on the back of a napkin), it becomes your roadmap that pinpoints the pages to focus your split-testing on.

But Google Analytics only tells you what people are doing and not why.

eCom Conversions™ Secret #3 – Find Out Why Your Visitors Aren’t Converting

For the most part, the reason why your visitors aren’t converting isn’t apparent to you. But the truth is, you’re surrounded by simple obvious solutions and opportunities that can dramatically increase your income. The problem is that you just don’t see them-yet.

Not only that but, many store owners simply expect their visitors to “notice the shipping costs” or easily find the answers to the myriad of questions going through their prospects’ minds, “it’s all there on the website”.

But the truth is, there are only two reasons why your visitors aren’t converting

Poor user-experience – it doesn’t matter how beautiful your site looks, if the user-experience is broken, users will bounce straight back to Google to find a better site or just give up altogether.

They weren’t persuaded – either by the price, the product/service or your company.

Of course, to get breakthrough results we need to find out, first-hand exactly why they gave-up on your site.

Unfortunately, visitors who didn’t convert leave your site without a trace. So what can you do to find out what they came for? What would have tipped the balance and persuaded them to take action?

Like I said before, if you owned a real-life, physical store, this would be simple: You’d hear their objections first-hand. You’d be able to ask questions and you’d hear what they mumbled as they headed out the door.

Online it’s much harder, but it can be done.

Here’s how it works, I’ll walk you through step-by-step how to setup the tools you need to uncover what’s turning your prospects off, what’s confusing them and what they don’t trust about your business, product or service.

I’ll show you exactly what to ask your prospects and existing customers to find out what their objections are and what’s broken with your user-experience.

Next I’ll show you how to turn the feedback you’ve gathered into a raft of split-test ideas.

eCom Conversions Secret #4 – What to Split-Test to Get Double & Treble-Digit Improvements

So-called “best practices” don’t work because they are not directly connected to the specific problem YOUR visitors are having with YOUR website.

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