
Carlos Dias – The Ceo Who Sees Around Corners

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Carlos Dias – The Ceo Who Sees Around Corners

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Jay Abraham and Carlos Dias wrote this book for CEOs and senior executives who want to lead their organizations onto a better path for success in a fast-moving, turbulent world.

The CEO Who Sees Around Corners introduces the powerful theories, mental models, and proven processes you need to reset your business to succeed in non-linear times.

This book is about the science of winning and losing for CEOs in the 21st Century. Based on Jay and Carlos’ combined 80+ years of experience as multi-national CEOs and business wealth creators, it lays out a proven fast-track for Leadership Greatness. It gives you a powerful framework from which you can propel your company into high, sustained profitability in today’s fast-moving, unpredictable times.

Get Carlos Dias – The Ceo Who Sees Around Corners on Bookoftrader.com

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