Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez
  • Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez

Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez

Original price was: $2,997.00.Current price is: $65.00.

Author: Cory Sanchez
File size: 13.7 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
Content proofWatch here!

  • Description


Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez – Instant download!

Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez

Yes Cory & Ira, I’m In!
I’m Ready to Partner with You to Create My Own Certified Social Leads Consultant Business! So Hook Me Up!

I understand I will receive all of the following when I sign up RIGHT NOW…

Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez 

Social Leads Consultant Training & Certification
You will learn:

  • How to optimize your profile to be seen as the expert and subject matter expert.
  • How to find the best high value prospects.
  • How to get leads from LinkedIn’s 500M database.
  • How to lock down lucrative motivated appointments.
  • How to close the deal.
  • How to fulfill.
Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez 

4 Weeks of Live Mastermind Coaching

  • Coaching from our expert team of LinkedIn trainers.
  • Get help in the following areas:
    – LinkedIn profile
    – Software best practices
    – Prospecting letters
    – LinkedIn campaign strategy
Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez 

(ULTIMATE Shortcut) Conversion Crusher Templates

  • Attract high profile clients “on demand”.
  • Pack your calendar with revenue producing appointments.
  • Recruit an army of referral and joint venture partners.
  • Lock down lucrative speaking engagements.
  • Rapidly explode your database.
  • Build a massive following by inviting them to your own LinkedIn Group.
  • Drive targeted traffic to landing pages.
  • Fill your sales funnel.
  • Easily promote local and national events.
  • Siphon in webinar registrants.
  • Multiply your 1st level LinkedIn connections.
Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez 

“Double Your Results” Email Templates
How to DOUBLE your response rates with email follow-up PLUS the EXACT templates we use .


PLUS, Your FAST ACTION Mega-Bonuses!

Fast Action Mega-Bonus #4: Super Boost
More connections powers up your profile
Get you past the 500+ connection mark
(for those of you that don’t have that)
Unlock more prospects in your profile
Fast Action Mega-Bonus #2: Instant Authority Pack
Copy / paste profile summary
Professional profile cover
Eye-popping infographics
Fast Action Mega-Bonus #5: LinkedIn Fanatic Finder
Easily find prospects that are fans of LinkedIn.
A list of the top 100 LinkedIn trainers.
“Social Heist” course that shows you how to mine their following and get appointments from this “ready made” audience of LinkedIn fanatics.
Fast Action Mega-Bonus #3: Social Leads Promote Pack
Proven landing page
High converting video
Professionally designed flyer
Time-tested pitch deck
Battle-tested transcript of our sales calls


We will teach you how to create raving fans just like these with your new Social Leads Consulting Business!

Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez 

“Your company has generated more conversations with qualified leads in 2 weeks than was generated for me by a telesales cold calling campaign over a 2-month period. They called roughly 1,000 companies. The ROI on your service is already fantastic.”
V.H., UK Devops Consulting Firm

Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez 

“I’d just like you to know that after 2 weeks, I think we have identified 2 clients that we will do business with in the near future for at least $20,000 each. If we get 1 a week, this will be awesome!”
Jeff M., U.S. Air Charter Company

Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez 

“Within the first few weeks of getting my program going, I closed 10 sales at $7,000 each for a total of $70,000. Now I’m speaking at the national convention… all because of your service. I can highly recommend this service.”
Brad W., U.S. Real Estate Sales Training Agency

Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez 

“My program went active 48 hours ago. In the first 24 hours, a tier one prospect reached out to me and asked how I could do that for his business. Next, another lead asked for a call on the same day. Thanks!”
Kathy C., U.S. Marketing Agency

Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez 

“I must admit I am getting a few saying yes straight from the messaging! Haven’t even got to the email bit yet …”
Julie H., U.K. Business Coach

Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez 

“Using your service, I have built over 1,400 highly qualified “warm” leads for my company in the first 3 months of using your service. Building a marketing list of “warm” prospects that I can market to forever will be a tremendous asset to my company.”
Phil E., U.S. Power Supply VAR

Certified Social Leads Consultant by Cory Sanchez, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!)

  1. Welcome
  2. Done-For -You-Leads
  3. INTRODUCTION-What you are selling
  4. Profile MakeOver Instant Authority Pack (Fast Action Mega-Bonus)
  5. Super Boost (Fast Action Mega-Bonus)
  6. Ultimate Linked Strategy
  7. Finding Clients
  8. How to Search for Your Perfect Prospects Sales Navigator
  9. Conversion Crusher Message Templates
  10. Your Resources (Graphics, Scripts, Etc)
  11. Social BFF AppLinkedIn Software (Fast Action Mega -Bonus)
  14. Fast Action Mega-Bonus Social Leads Promoter Pack
  15. Fulfillment
  16. Live Training Replays
  17. Social BFF Training [Recorded]
  18. Video Training
  19. Sales Training
  20. Other Trainings
  21. Fast Action Mega-Bonus LinkedIn Fanatic Finder
  22. CSLC Success Stories-CASE STUDY
  23. FAQ
  24. Archive
  25. Performance Guarantee