
Connor – Millionaire Profits System

Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $138.00.

  • Description


Connor – Millionaire Profits System

ConnorMillionaire Profits System

If the global financial crisis has you scared to death of losing your job, and sick and tired of depending on a boss for your pay, I’ll message you…
“Discover My Millionaire Profits System Shows You Exactly How To Start Your Own Million Dollar Internet Business…Even If You’ve Never Made A Sale Online Before!”

Not happen overnight, but it’s easier and QUICKER than you think. My new course shows you how to do it…in only 6 easy-to-follow lessons!

Dear Future Internet Millionaire,
You have heard the stories and thought they were crazy?
* A woman with no Internet marketing experience starts making almost $15,000 a month online within six months
* An “average” guy creates an online business selling birdcages…and sells the business for $173,000 a year later
* A frustrated young father makes six figures in 12 months selling other products

Stories like that are all over the place. They’re real. It is possible to get eye-popping, jaw-dropping income online quickly, even if you are starting from scratch.

I know, because I myself, but I took the long way to get there. If I had known then when I know now, I could already life and I’ve seen literally years sooner.

Imagine making 6 figures from EACH internet business you set up (and you can put as many as you want!):

So I ask you to read every last word of this letter, because I tell you something about what I know, and offer to tell you…and the rest could change your life dramatically.
Announcing The Millionaire Profits System!

To Complete The Step-By-Step Course To Starting A Million Dollar Internet Business From Scratch!

This is a simple, straight-forward course I wish I had years ago. It’s precisely the resource you need.

Years of teaching everyone from people to Check who already living online convinces me this course is what you need as well.

Here’s what I mean,…
* I will give you a solid business foundation. NO “get rich quick” garbage ever gives you this, which is why I’ve struggled for so long.
* I hand you a fundamental understanding of Internet marketing, beyond the hype. There is plenty of hype out there, and that distraction. That of course will not help you achieve your goals.
* I explain the core business model you should use. Not 50 models—just works. That, my friend, is the power of focus that missed in my early days online, and in beliefs about the success of today.
* I will show you the simple way to snowball customers. Making the first online sale is great. Replacing most or all of current “day job” income is wonderful. But what’s next? If you expect to rest on your laurels, and you well the last, you’ll have a rude awakening. I’ll show you how to keep your results (and your financial freedom) healthy and growing.

In a nutshell, I’m going to give you the discipline of not running, which should cut years off your learning curve. Not get rich overnight, but you can easily see success within a year.

What’s included?

Millionaire Profits System
* Download 6 PDF Modules.
* Create An Adwords Account
* Create An Adwords Ad
* Rotating Ads In Adwords To

Creating Videos Using Camstudio
* Video One
* Video Two
* Video Three
* Video Four

Setting Up MPS
* Set Up Clickbank Account
* Adding A Product To Clickbank
* Set up a Recurring Billing Product at Clickbank
* Create a Mini Site
* Create An EBay Classified Ad
* Selling a Product Using Auction and Fixed Price Format
* The Post Office In The Balance
* Submit An Article To Ezine Articles
* Add The Keyword To The Title Tag
* Load Messages Into Your Getresponse Account
* Sell Product In Paydotcom
* Add Clickbank the Price of the Button To Your Site
* Create a Paypal Payment Button
* Create a PHP Redirect
* Publish Video On Youtube
* Create a Sales Copy placeholder
* Create a Slideshow Using Slide.com
* Upload Files Using Filezilla
* Find Outsourcing Deals On The Warrior Forum

Internet Business Basics
* Basic Internet Tools Part 1
* Basic Internet Tools Part 2
* Basic Internet Tools Part 3
* Basic Internet Tools Part 4
* Register Domain Name
* Web Hosting Part 1
* Web Hosting Part 2
* Create Squeeze Page
* Resale Rights Website
* Add Video & Audio To Website
* Slide In Box & Download Page
* Set Up Autoresponder
* Blogger Part 1
* Blogger Part 2
* Blogger Part 3
* Paint Part 1
* Paint Part 2
* Paint Part 3
* Paint Part 4
* WordPress Part 1
* WordPress Part 2
* WordPress Part 3

Monthly Millionaire Profits Blueprint System

* Blueprint-1

* Research Niche
* Find niche forums on Google
* Search The ClickBank Marketplace
* Research places to EzineArticles.com
* After the plan to Elance.com
* Turn an ebook into an audio

Business online courses

Information about the business:

The thing is the action of making one’s living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).
[need quotation to verify] is Simply “any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.
That does not mean it is a company, a corporation, partnership, or any such formal organization, but it can range from a street peddler to General Motors.”

Having a business name, not a separate business entity from the owner, that the owner of the business and is liable for debts incurred by the business.
If the business their debt, lenders can go after the owner of another property.
Business structure does not allow corporate tax rates. In the lord, that by itself is taxed on all income from the business.