
Craig Ballantyne – Social Story Selling


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Craig Ballantyne – Social Story Selling

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Imagine sitting at Starbucks talking to a friend, explaining what you do at a cocktail party… or driving in your car and sharing your day with your family.

You can do that without a problem, right?

Great news.  If you can do these normal daily activities, you can make BIG MONEY on social media using the Social Story Selling technique I give you inside of The Social Cash Machine.

Gone are the days of tricks and hacks to game the system. Social Story Selling is the way to win for nice people.

What Can Social Cash Machine Do For You?

  • Get more clients, sell more homes, and make more money by playing by Instagrams rules. Get rewarded by Zuckerberg and Silicon Valley and become the master of EPF.
  • Make money in line at the grocery store, at the airport, in the back of an UBER, or while sitting at home in your comfy pants — all because you have a “Social Cash Machine” at your fingertips.
  • Your phone will become a CASH MACHINE that lets you pay for fancy cars, amazing vacations traveling the world, private school, even flights on private jets.
  • Stop CHASING clients and finally pick and choose exactly who you want to work with.
  • Done-for-you scripts do the heavy lifting for you. It’s practically a copy-and-paste system for sales and getting “low-hanging fruit” into your business virtually overnight
  • Become so in-demand and so well-connected your gram will grow so fast you won’t have time to keep up with all your notifications. Other people might think you are cheating.
  • Finally be able to say SCREW IT to the 9-to-5 and have TRUE freedom— financially and emotionally.
  • How to use the system to catapult your podcast, email list, book sales, etc — finally get this digital marketing thing under control so you can create your future.
  • Get the formula to have leads direct message you and practically BEG you to work with them and let them into your inner circle.
  • Get mega-influencers knocking down your door for collaborations and shout-outs within the a few weeks of starting…  all because you know something that 99% of Instagram users don’t.
  • How to run your own Instagram TV shows that gets thousands of viewers and makes you 2X, 5X or even 10X the money compared to your follower count.
  • Wake up to more followers, dollars, direct messages, comments, likes, loves, shares, and views.
  • Become known as the superstar of your industry, the godfather of your business circle, the GO-TO superhero, and the celebrity.
  • How to become an influencer, get tons of free stuff from cool companies, and invitations to the hottest events… all because you’re controlling business media.
  • Enter EMPIRE mode by leveraging your assets and the done-for-you business media strategy to control your bank account.
  • Have the freedom to travel, buy fancy cars (instead of taking pictures beside someone else’s ride), and produce money on demand as if you were living the lifestyle you see in a rap music video.

Finally show everyone you made it. All the naysayers, the critics, the haters, the jealous in-laws, the teachers that looked down at you.

You’ll be able to go back to them with your phone in-hand to show them your sales, your following, and the power you have over your business media EMPIRE…

… all because you used the Instagram secret that no one else knows about.

Today is the day you take back control of your life, even if you have NO tech expertise.

If you can send a text message, hold down a button, and speak in sentences, you’re QUALIFIED to make big money from the Social Cash Machine.

How The Social Cash Machine Can
Take You From Point A To Point B

Do you think being in FULL control of your very own business media is a powerful tool to have?

I guarantee it is. Having your own business media allows you to dominate the social media world and get more followers, leads, likes, and engagement than anyone else in your niche market.

It can be as powerful as NBC, ABC, CBS, or FOX, and allows you to become the go-to leader in your industry practically overnight.

You become known as someone who gives an INSANE amount of value, a go-giver, a leader, an icon. By traditional television and radio show hosts begging to interview you. By event organizers asking you to be a keynote speaker.

Having your own business media opens dozens of new avenues to reach your biggest business and personal goals.

The best part is, there’s barely any thinking required and you get results virtually overnight.

The done-for-you scripts that you get do the heavy lifting for you… it’s practically a copy-and-paste system for closing high-ticket sales and getting the “low-hanging fruit” into your business.

This is the best system to take you from where you are today to where you want to go… without the flat tires, detours, and breakdowns.

Here’s Why The Social Cash Machine
Is Your Best Chance At Success

The Social Cash Machine is for people who want to learn how to 10X their business and life from anywhere in the world.

It’s your best chance to get there is the shortest time possible.

If you don’t sign up today, what are your alternatives?

  • Spending hundreds of hours on hashtags, pretty pictures, and trying to game the system only to find yourself in Instagram jail with your account banned forever?
  • Trying every new filter and selfie angle to rack up enough likes in hopes that you can land in the Discover tab and get a new follower?
  • Begging influencers for shoutouts, promotions, and shares?

When you have the Social Cash Machine, you don’t have to do any of it!

You’re already using social media, so why don’t you let me show you how to use it to your advantage…

… so you don’t have to struggle with finances, get tricked into another get more followers scam, or spend time on a useless platform.

Don’t pass this up to be another Instagram account with 25k, 100k, 250k that only makes $500 a month.

If you don’t learn The Social Story Selling System now, you’re going to get left behind.

Your competition is going to get it, and Instagram will REWARD THEM for doing things right.

I don’t want to see that happen to you.

Here’s What You Get With The Social Cash Machine

The best part is when you sign up for The Social Cash Machine today you get immediate access to the full online video training system.

Which means you don’t have to wait for clunky books or binders to get sent to your house before you can put the system in place and start making money.

The Social Cash Machine Video Training Course

  1. 3 Secrets to a simple sales script that gets people to BUY NOW
    These 3 secrets to a simple sales script will turn your phone into a CASH MACHINE that never runs out of money. When used the right way, this simple sales script can give you every material object you want in life.
  2. Done-for-you day-by-day Social Story Selling Schedule that makes it so easy to start
    This simple Social Story Selling schedule will let you pick-and-choose exactly who you want to work with since you’ll have so many leads direct messaging you and practically BEGGING you to work with them.
  3. 5 steps to creating purposeful and powerful posts that get likes, shares, and comments
    Create content that get more leads, followers, likes, and engagement. And go from get used by social media to dominating your own Business Media. It can be as powerful as NBC, ABC, CBS, or FOX, and allow you to become the go-to leader in your industry practically overnight.
  4. The truth about how to grow your gram with real people, not BOTS
    Have you ever been excited to see a comment notification and then get disappointed because it’s a BOT? No more. You’ll wake up to more REAL followers, direct messages, comments, likes, loves, shares, and views… all which lead to more money in your bank account.

Plus These Limited Time Bonuses

Bonus #1: Monthly LIVE TRAINING “Ask the Expert” (value $5,000)

Get your most pressing questions answered by me and my team and learn how to use Instagram to grow your business and get the freedom you’re looking for.

Bonus #2: 5-Email Sequence To Light Up Sales Notification (value $500)

Send this proven 5-email follow up sequence to leads to light up your sales notifications and make money while you sleep.

Bonus #3: [$10K Bonus] The Exact DMs To Convert A Skeptical Prospect (value $2,000)

Get the exact messages you MUST send to a skeptical prospect to get them to pull out their credit card and buy.

For less than half the price of an iPhone you can get the exact formula for turning your iPhone into a Social Cash Machine.

Get started by clicking the button below.

Total Value = $7,500

Yours Today = $597 Only $397

Savings of > $7,000!

Get Craig Ballantyne – Social Story Selling on Bookoftrader.com

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