
Cyndi Zarbano – Preventing and Treating Infection: Sepsis and Microbiology Lab Tests


  • Description


Cyndi Zarbano – Preventing and Treating Infection: Sepsis and Microbiology Lab Tests

Cyndi ZarbanoPreventing and Treating Infection: Sepsis and Microbiology Lab Tests

You will learn to correctly diagnose a broad spectrum of possible infectious agents through a review of systems, sources of infection, diseases, and treatments. Through understanding of both common and uncommon, yet still vital, diagnoses you will improve your treatment level through this important course.


  • SIRS
  • Surviving Sepsis Guidelines
  • Sepsis Lab Findings
  • 3-hour and 6-hour Bundles
  • Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
  • Lumbar Puncture
  • Meningitis
  • Encephalitis
  • CSF Headache
  • Cultures & Sensitivity
  • Gram Stain
  • Choosing Antibiotics
  • Urinalysis


  1. Communicate the role lactate levels serve in identifying and treating sepsis.
  2. Evaluate the components of the 3-hour and 6-hour bundles in the Surviving Sepsis Guidelines.
  3. Inspect the findings in a urinalysis that support the diagnosis of an UTI.
  4. Assess spinal fluid findings to differentiate between viral and bacterial meningitis and encephalitis.
  5. Communicate two ways the gram stain and sensitivity can guide selection of antibiotics.