
Dynamic Body Stratching

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $33.00.

  • Description


Dynamic Body Stratching

Dynamic Body Stratching

The DBS System Software is utilized during a Range of Motion (ROM) assessment to gather flexibility data on an individual client.

During the initial assessment, stretch movements are passively studied. This allows the therapist to analyze each movement, or lack of movement, in the connecting joints, as well as muscle groups.

After the (ROM) data is entered into our propreitary software, detailed reports are generated, laying out a physical blueprint of the client. This blueprint highlights weak, tight, and imbalanced areas on the body.

This data allows the Therapist to better understand which areas of the body are in the first phase of correction. This data also allows the therapist to see patterns of pain, “root cause” of a pain or injury, as well as which sports might be hindered due to muscle imbalances.

Understanding the current physical health of a client is imperative before creating and applying any pain-reduction or corrective programs safely and accurately.

DBS Stretch Courses teach Massage Therapists and Personal Trainers assisted stretching techniques. The Therapist or Trainer learns how to apply proper form techniques to each muscle group. In addition, the specialist learns a variety of stimulation techniques that can be applied to the client’s body to improve most movement issues and/or restrictions. Techniques used include PNF, Resistance Stretching, Active Resistance, etc.