Email Client Machine By Ben Settle
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Email Client Machine By Ben Settle – Instant Download!
Dear Friend,
If you want more new copywriting clients for your business than you can possibly handle… then this letter will show you how.
Here’s the scoop:
I publish a book for freelance copywriters called…
Email Client Horde
And, it reveals how writing a simple email each day can get almost any freelancer booked solid with copywriting clients chasing you down, and often already 80% “sold” on hiring you before you speak to them. It can also be used by coaches and consultants in other industries, too. But it is mainly intended for copywriters, and is the exact same methods I used to land high-paying clients who could have easily afforded to hire better and more seasoned writers. But, using my sneaky ways, they not only hired me… they hired only me (multiple times, plus referring me to their friends), without doing the usual client-copywriter dance around price, without jumping through hoops to sell myself, and without even showing them my portfolio, in most cases.
Helps frustrated copywriters
get chased by hordes
of thirsty new clients
by sending just one email per day
And, it’s also short. (So if you judge information by its “bulk”, no need to keep reading this letter, this product is not intended for you.)
To help you decide if it’s a good “fit”, here’s a look at what’s inside:
- A special kind of sales pitch the “mad man” era genius David Ogilvy used to pack his agency with some of the best clients on the planet. (And, how to apply what he did to your business’s emails so you can do the same.) Page 24
- A counter intuitive way for getting better and bigger paying clients for your business by bragging to them about how high your fees are! (One of the most in-demand sales speakers & trainers on the planet teaches this, and it can potentially do more to set you up with new clients than probably anything you’ll learn anywhere else.) Page 88
- How Earl Nightingale used the scientific laws of physics in a secret way to attract clients and customers in droves… and how to use his same method to get new clients pounding on your company’s door, too. (I used this little-talked about method to land the four best and highest paying clients I ever had during my 9 year stint as a freelancer. It’s ridiculously simple, and can also help you achieve nearly any other goal you want in life.) Page 15
- A clever “tool” that can do all the sifting and sorting for you when looking for clients, so you only hear from the ones pre-sold and eager to hire you! (I learned this from a Harvard Business School speaker and interim CIO of two publicly traded companies I briefly almost worked for. And, it’s the backbone of why my methodology works so reliably.) Page 28
- The 3-second trick that can create far higher quality prospects for your freelancer business. (This is one of the simplest and most valuable things any copywriter can do to get instant credibility, almost automatically get the attention of serious clients, and command bigger fees. Best part? You can literally do this to your business in mere seconds.) Page 41
- An old school direct sales method that lets you pre-sell copywriting clients on hiring your business… while also getting paid by them at the same time! (A few smart, “in the know” direct sales industry distributors figured out how to make money while prospecting like this decades ago. And, it also works just as well to help copywriters get more cash flowing in while still looking for additional clients.) Page 42
- A sneaky marketing trick (used by wealthy food companies) that can potentially make yourself the only copywriter clients want to hire. (For example: I had a $30 million per year business owner client who might have made a lot more money had he tested other copywriters against me. But he refused. Why? It’s certainly not because of my sparkling personality! No, it is because the way my methodology for getting clients works made him only want to deal with me and nobody else.) Page 46
- A totally unorthodox way used by one of the world’s top A-list copywriters to eliminate the common, “Why should I hire you?” gotcha question. (This not only kills one of the most frustrating objections freelancers hear, but it also builds your credibility and gets clients practically stalking you down to hire you, if you do it correctly.) Page 48
- An ingenious 2-step trick for making more fees by writing less! (This is another A-list copywriter’s secret that can potentially get your schedule stuffed with copywriting clients. It’s simple, too. And has nothing to do with your writing “talent.”) Page 84
- Insider ways to “jimmy” your marketing so you only deal with clients who already want to hire you before you even talk to them! (Even better: These ways require zero convincing, begging, pitching, or manipulating whatsoever. Fun begins on page 50.)
- The real reason world-class doctors are seen as geniuses and can command outrageous fees… and how to apply what they do to your freelance business!
Let’s take a break and talk about this in more depth.
There is something doctors, surgeons, and other medical professionals do that gets them labeled titles like “brilliant!” and “genius!” and “life-saver!” that has absolutely nothing to do with their actual performance. (Which is why even some outright quacks make a lot of money and get showered with praise.)
And guess what?
Once you learn how they do it…
You Can Get This Exact Same Kind Of Prestige For Your Freelance Copywriting Business, Too!
This is no joke.
Speaking on stage with Brian Kurtz and Carline-Anglade Cole. Brian has hired nearly all of the best A-list copywriters who ever lived. And Carline has written for Oprah and other high profile clients. Email Client Horde can help you get clients even if you lack their “pull” and prestige.
It’s one reason I rarely ever had to show anyone a portfolio, was rarely asked about my sales letter track record, or rarely needed to show clients any referrals or testimonials. The irony is, this is probably the simplest “sales 101” thing you can do. Yet, it works so reliably and effectively, you have to be careful using it. Why? Because if you write loser ads that don’t live up to all your newfound prestige, it’ll back fire on you so fast it’ll make your head spin!
(Just as it always backfires on quacks, eventually.)
Anyway, you can read all about it on page 94.
Here are some more of the secrets waiting inside for you:
- A long list of “already brainstormed for you” email ideas designed to bring a horde of clients rushing to your doorstep! (These ideas start on page 61 and are custom-tailored especially to client psychology — including exactly what they want to hear from a freelancer they are thinking about hiring.)
- How to use your writing schedule to “irk” would-be clients into wanting to hire you… and maybe even wanting to pay you more than they would otherwise! (One of the highest paid and in-demand copywriters on the planet does this, and it’s so simple, obvious, and easy, most people have a hard time believing it works. That is, until they try it and see for themselves…) Page 79
- How to effortlessly “snuff out” sticker shock when you quote your fees. (While also weeding out the time wasters, cheapskates, freebie seekers, and low quality clients.) Page 89
- A stupid phrase copywriters on Facebook use every day that will kill your chances of landing high quality clients. (Frankly, you are better off not using this phrase at all when marketing yourself if you want to be taken seriously — whether on Facebook or anywhere else.) Page 80
- How to use an ordinary waiting list to land more copywriting clients for your freelancing business! (The psychology behind this can help “flip the script” so clients pursue you, instead of you pursuing them. Do it right, and you can all but take your pick of who you want to write copy for, and have a far easier time getting paid what you ask.) Page 81
- How to “rig” it so you only deal with the best, non-flaky, eager to pay clients, and never have to waste even a second on the bum clients who want you to work for peanuts or for free. (There’s admittedly nothing sexy about this tip, but it can save you a lot of time, frustration, and grief.) Page 86
- The ONLY thing you should ever promote in your ads, emails, business cards, or in any of your business’s marketing. (Most people reflexively promote themselves, or their name, or their blog, or their business name, or their phone number, or their social media pages, or any number of things that will only drive down their chances of getting hired by clients. Do what you’ll find taught on page 56 instead, and I believe you will experience a much more consistent lead flow.)
- The absolute worst place on the planet to find clients that freelancers always seem to want to waste their time on. (This place is even worse than the freelancer marketplace sites, and is like playing the freelancing game on hard mode. I’ll show you how to not only play the freelancing game on easy mode, but the quality of businesses you write for will be much better, too.) Page 44
- 4 freelancer-friendly tips for building an email list of client leads so qualified they probably won’t even bother looking at other copywriters! (These may not be sexy, but they have teeth for building a good list of solid leads over time, and starting right away. You can get the scoop about them on page 58.)
- Where to find one of the best “untapped”, most underrated, and super qualified source of client leads for your business on the internet. (Full disclosure: You won’t get a ton of leads from this. But, the few you do get will often be good quality, and some will probably even be ready to hire you before you talk to them!) Page 58
- The deadly persuasion “sin” (even talented copywriters succumb to) that makes you as repulsive as rotting garbage in the sun to clients!
Hanging out with the great A-list copywriter Kim Krause Schwalm who can get high-class clients in her sleep, and is booked out months in advance. Email Client Horde won’t get you A-list clients like she works for. But, it can help you get a steady flow of clients who are professional, pay well, and pay on time.
Learning what this sin is, and how to avoid committing it, is probably the single most valuable thing you can learn about getting lots of copywriting clients. (As well as making sales or persuading people in any other form.) This is like smearing stinky catfish bait all over your business driving people as far away from you as possible to avoid the stench. And it has nothing to do with your writing, marketing, professionalism, demeanor, the way you dress, your website, your personality, political views, sense of humor, or talent. But, it is guaranteed to kill any marketing, persuading, or sales you do — whether it’s trying to get a client, or writing a sales letter that converts, or even getting a date.
That’s the bad news.
The good news is, if all you do is NOT commit this persuasion sin …
You Will Automatically
Multiply Your Chances
Of Getting Booked Solid
With Copywriting Jobs!
Something else to think about:
Knowing this information found on page 51 (that is rarely — if ever — talked about in the copywriting industry) is especially valuable for your business if you are tight on money, need to find client work to pay your bills, or the debt collector “wolves” are howling at your doorstep. In fact, if there is one thing I wish someone had pulled me aside and taught me when I was trying to find clients, it’s this information inside! It’s that serious and valuable. But you won’t have to worry about committing this sin. In fact, by using my methodology properly, it’s almost impossible to commit it.
And you know what?
We’re still not done. Here are even more of the tips inside:
- Another gem from David “King Of Madison Avenue” Ogilvy: What a furniture store salesman taught him about gaining the trust of high quality (and high ticket) clients & customers. (David Ogilvy was so entranced by what he learned from the furniture salesman that day, he made all his employees incorporate it into his agency’s advertising when possible.) Page 88
- A ridiculously effective way (used by one of history’s most successful life insurance salesmen) that can get clients selling themselves on hiring you! (No fancy one-liners, tricks, closes, or pressure required. Simply apply what this master salesman did, and watch how clients react.) Page 96
- A special way of writing copy (I learned directly from one of the top A-list copywriters in the business), that makes all your emails more persuasive to clients looking to hire a good copywriter. (Bonus: It’ll also make the copy you write for your clients more profitable, too.) Page 67
- The best topic to write about if you want to arrange it so clients reading your emails almost can’t look away. (I picked this up from studying the great comic book creator Stan Lee. It’s the big secret to how his characters — like Spiderman, for example — have been responsible for generating billions of dollars in the past 50 years. On pages 68-69 you’ll see how to apply it to get your schedule packed with client work.)
Dinner with the late A-list copywriter Clayton Makepeace (who was the highest paid freelancer on the planet), the great Brian Kurtz, and the ever-talented Kevin Rogers (one of the most respected copy chiefs in the business). If you don’t have their influence and success track record, don’t worry. Email Client Horde can still help you nab high quality clients in your niche you might not get otherwise.
- What two of the world’s highest paid (and most in-demand) copywriters do to keep themselves booked out years in advance with client work. (Interesting fact: this secret is also used by certain celebrities to get constant media attention and, also, smart politicians to get bills passed, nab more votes, and have more influence, too.) Page 70
- The two “selling without pitching” rules for closing more clients with minimal effort. (By following these two rules I would more often than not have clients bluntly ask, “can I hire you???” with my fees not even being an object. I’ll show you exactly what I did to get those kinds of reactions.) Page 91
- A sneaky way of getting testimonials about your copywriting services before you get a client or have even written a word of copy for anyone else! (Perfect for if you don’t have a lot of testimonials — simply follow my instructions and enjoy the credibility boost.) Page 55
- How to get clients to pay you to merely talk to them about their copywriting projects! (This is used by one of my copywriter friends who has written for nearly every single big name internet marketing guru you’ve ever heard of. And it works so reliably it’s astonishing so few copywriters know about it, much less use it.) Page 60
- The 3-word secret for writing emails that draws clients to your freelance copywriting business like controversy to Donald Trump! (Apply this to your emails and clients will have almost no choice but to notice you.) Page 62
David Gonzalez “Most connected man in internet marketing.” The beauty of Email Client Horde is, you don’t have to be super connected to get more clients. In fact, you can be a complete shut-in who doesn’t even leave your house, much less goes to the Internet marketing seminars trolling the hotel bars looking for work.
- A quickie “crash course” in how to write emails clients love to read and hire copywriters from. (Extra benefit: Learning this gives you another skill you can offer to clients: Email copywriting — which many clients pay big bucks for. Get the details beginning on page 61.)
- And a whole lot more, including:
The Las Vegas stripper’s secret to writing emails for your services clients almost can’t resist responding to (page 75)… How to “barter out” an email list of potential leads (page 58)… The exact best time to pitch in your emails if you want clients to respond to you (page 72)… The trick to making your high fees sound like a bargain (page 90)… How to use client skepticism about hiring copywriters to your advantage (page 102)… and, even…
How To Eliminate
Many Price Objections
In The First 30-Seconds
You Talk With Clients!
This is from one of history’s most persuasive business authors.
And, if you’re the kind of person who always feels awkward discussing fees, doing what you will learn on page 90 solves that — fast to take price off the table.
Anyway, I could go on and on.
But, here is the bottom line:
Email Client Horde is a 253-page book (there is NO video, audio, PDF, or digital component to it) divided into two parts:
The first part is the main system, which is only 95-pages long.
(It can be read in one sitting, and implemented immediately.)
And the second part is nine bonus appendixes that teach everything from a #1 FBI negotiator’s secret for getting hordes of clients to hire you on the spot (even as soon as today, believe it or not)… to how to get clients when you’re desperate, with your back to the wall, with an overdrawn bank account, and facing eviction due to your copywriting business failing… to little-known freelancing secrets used by my most successful mastermind partners… to the single best place I have ever seen to “fish” for new clients (I liken it to fishing in a stocked pond, where you’re the only one with a fishing pole)… to several other fast-working ways to get overrun with new eager-to-pay clients you will probably never see your friends always prattling away on Facebook giving “value” doing (while settling for flaky, bottom-of-the-barrel clients).
Your Pal,
Ben Settle
Email Client Machine By Ben Settle, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):
- Audio Files
- Video Files