
Karen Pattock – Mindset Shifts For Lasting Weight Loss

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Karen Pattock - Mindset Shifts For Lasting Weight Loss

Karen PattockMindset Shifts For Lasting Weight Loss

Dear Health Coach,

Let me ask you a question…

How much hard work and energy have you invested into starting your health coaching business?

A lot, right?

And if you’re like many of the health coaches I talk to every day, it feels like all the effort you’ve put in isn’t paying off.

You’ve spent thousands of dollars on training and resources to become a better coach…

… but you’re not getting enough clients to make it all worthwhile financially…

Each week, you’re staring at all the blank spots on your calendar where you could be working with people.

You WANT to grow your business.

But no matter how much you want it, things just stay the same.

Another week goes by without any new clients.

Things feel stagnant.

You feel stuck.

It feels like you’ve tried everything and you don’t know why things aren’t clicking and why new clients aren’t rolling in.

And since you don’t know what you’re doing wrong, you can’t figure out how to turn it all around.

You wonder if there is some “secret” for building a health coaching business that you haven’t been told about.

You’ve tried so many things already…

The harder you struggle, the more defeated you feel.

It’s paralyzing.

Over the past 7 years, I’ve helped hundreds of health coaches who have struggled with these feelings.

Back when I first started my health coaching business, I was there myself…