
Mark Silver – Transformational Business Foundations Program

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Mark Silver - Transformational Business Foundations Program

Mark SilverTransformational Business Foundations Program

New Live Training Starts
Thursday, September 10, 2015

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

Course sessions are on Thursdays at 1:00pm Pacific.

In this 7-week transformational intensive, Mark will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies that you’ll need to focus on successfully creating a business that matches your heart in a grounded way.

Each weekly, LIVE training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to sustain your progress with a real sense of timeline and priorities while aligning with your spirituality and values.

Module 1: What *Is* Business
(September 10)

Although many people are “in” business and can describe what they offer, very few understand the basic functions that make up what business actually is — and then end up missing key ingredients to what makes a business successful and why.

During module one you’ll:

Develop a heart-centered definition of business, and how it can keep you oriented and aligned.

Learn the role of spirituality in business, what it can do and what it can’t do.

Gain perspective on business in the world, including both the power of business and it’s innate limits.

Understand the stages of business development, and what is needed at each stage, so you know where to focus and what you can safely ignore.

Module 2: Healing Your Relationship with Business (September 17)

If people treated their primary relationships the way most people treated their businesses, everyone would be divorced or broken up with. In this class we delve into how to have a healthy relationship with business in general, and with your business in particular.

During module two you will:

Learn a simple, ancient Sufi practice for accessing your heart in a moment — stepping out of overwhelm and fear, and returning to love and connection.

Discover how to access your Jewel, the spiritual gift and presence that is placed in your heart — the source of you, and your business’, natural attraction.

the weight off of finding your “Divine calling” and learn to let your business be what it is, so there can be a sense of lightness and joy.

Module 3: Healing Your Relationship with Money (September 24)

Nearly everyone has money issues and there’s a reason for it: the way money is used in the modern world is deeply dysfunctional. At the same time, you need to have a healthy relationship with what is, because your business deals in money. So, let’s heal your relationship with money and face issues of abundance head-on.

Module three will dig into:

The very surprising answer to whether you can charge money for your gifts (you can’t), but why you can receive plenty of money through your business.

Understanding that abundance, energy, has 4 different flows, and it’s easy to be in the wrong flow for a particular situation.

Transforming your relationship not only to money, but to so many aspects of the world around you.

Module 4: Discerning the Difference Between Spiritual and Business Issues
(October 1)

Many times people say that a spiritual issue is blocking them in business, when in fact they just didn’t understand how to explain what they do clearly, or how to hold a sales conversation. On the other hand, I’ve watched spiritual clearings open the door to amazing business results. How do you discern if it’s a spiritual issue or if you just need to do something differently?

In this class you’ll learn:

The relationship between the spiritual and the physical, as the Sufis see it.

symptoms for how business issues manifest, as well as a list of foundational business skills to help you discern if you’re lacking knowledge, experience or effectiveness in a particular situation.

How spiritual issues manifest within business, and the 3 elements of spiritual healing as understood by the Sufis.

Module 5: The Three Journeys of Marketing (October 8)

“Just get out there,” is a phrase you might hear, or tell yourself, but where in the heck is “out there?” And how will it help your business? Marketing is often seen as a monolith, you just “do” marketing, but that’s not true. Marketing not only has different avenues, but there is a reason marketing is needed. Without an understanding of its true job, marketing can easily feel gross or intrusive.

During this session, you’ll learn:

The true purpose of marketing, and it’s NOT attraction.

The role of spiritual connection in marketing.

What someone needs in order to become a client, which many entrepreneurs miss, and thus miss out on many clients.

The single most underestimated element in enrolling a client.

The 3 different journeys of marketing, so that you can understand how to create a comprehensive marketing plan that feels good to your heart.

Module 6: What a Business Needs to Succeed (October 15)

Some businesses succeed wildly, some limp along kinda doing okay, and others crash and burn. What does a business need to truly succeed? Bringing together the learning and insights from the previous 5 weeks, the holistic picture of what it takes to be successful will bring a grounded sense of optimism and compassion to your journey by removing unrealistic expectations, and bringing clarity to the road ahead.

During module six you’ll:

Understand why competition is so important to the success of your business.

the preceding weeks create a big picture for the journey to business success.

Gain clarity on what kind of commitments are asked of you in order to be successful.

Explore the nitty gritty aspects of your business, including understanding how many clients you really need.

Module 7: Making the Commitment
(October 22)

So often people want a business, but don’t make the commitment to what it really takes. Can you make a compassionate, heart-full, aligned commitment to your business? This is more than a commitment to work, it’s a commitment to a precious being that can bloom into a substantial venture, caring for you for years to come.

We’ll dig in with:

Understanding that your business has a separate heart and beingness from you, which is how it can carry you in the first place.

How to communicate with the heart of your business, listening to it and learning from it.

Making the decision: Is being a business owner your path? Can your heart make the full commitment?

By the end of the seven weeks, you’ll have what many people in business are missing, a true understanding of what business is, what it means, and what it takes, from both a spiritual perspective and the nitty-gritty. You’ll be equipped for the long haul to get what you need and support your business into a real flow and momentum.