
Mastermind Group Facilitator Training by Karyn Greenstreet

Original price was: $495.00.Current price is: $65.00.

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Mastermind Group Facilitator Training by Karyn Greenstreet

**More information:

Get Mastermind Group Facilitator Training by Karyn Greenstreet at bookoftrader.com


This class is a ten-week, one hour a week, teleclass that begins Tuesday, January 25 and runs through Tuesday, March 29, 2011.

This class is for people who are ready to take their mastermind group facilitation skills to a whole new level.

In this 10-week class you will learn:

*Your role and responsibilities as a mastermind group facilitator
*Facilitating skills for mastermind group facilitators
*How group dynamics impact your group
*Creating trust in your group
*Using the six Mastermind Process Techniques
*Helping members make decisions and choose a course of action
*Enforcing group guidelines
*Handling problem members
*Tracking group member progress
*Creating a Mastermind Success Journal to use with your members
*Creating and using Prep Forms, Mastermind Matrices and Group Evaluations
*and much more…
*Plus: Get live practice with your mastermind facilitation skills, and
*Two bonuses