
Razi Berry – Love Is Medicine Project

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Razi Berry - Love Is Medicine Project

Razi BerryLove Is Medicine Project

To say I’m excited to share this next interview with you would be a bit of an understatement.

A while back my dear friend and fellow champion of naturopathic medicine asked me to join 45+ incredible experts to bring her 7-part documentary, The Love Is Medicine Project, the highest level of excellence and knowledge possible. 

Just the sizzle reel of it will give you goosebumps.

It’s important that we realize that it’s not anything we ever did… or did not do… that got us to this point. Your health issues are not your fault—yet you do have the power to start changing it NOW!

THE LOVE IS MEDICINE PROJECT is first knowing that we can choose differently in each moment. By accepting ourselves as we are, then we can make choices that align with nature. In turn, that aligns with what our bodies truly need.

Without guilt… without pressure… without expectation or regret.

Join me for my interview with Razi Berry, as she discusses her newest passion project, The Love Is Medicine Project.

About Dr. Doni

Dr. Doni Wilson is a nationally celebrated naturopathic doctor, certified professional midwife (CPM), and certified nutrition specialist (CNS), who helps high performers reverse engineer health by understanding genetic tendencies (such as MTHFR) and helping them to recover from stress exposure. Her clients report peak energy, restful sleep, optimal weight and memory, enhanced fertility, and an overall sense of “feeling younger.”

Dr. Doni is the best selling author of The Stress Remedy (2013), Stress Remedies (2014), Stress Warrior (2018) and The Natural Insomnia Solution (2018). She is an international speaker, including at naturopathic medical schools and naturopathic conferences from Hawaii and Vancouver, BC to New Hampshire and New York.

Her research and approach to health optimization has been featured on TV, radio, podcasts, and print, including GOOP, Natural Solutions Magazine, First for Women Magazine, Huffington Post, Elle Magazine, Inspiyr Magazine, Mind Body Green, Energy Times, Fox News, and more. She publishes a blog and podcast at DoctorDoni.com, and is the owner of Nature Empowered Nutritionals and Cat Care, a not-for-profit dedicated to animal rights.