Selling Backlink Course By Charles Floate
  • Selling Backlink Course By Charles Floate

Selling Backlink Course By Charles Floate


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Selling Backlink Course By Charles Floate – Instant Download!

Selling Backlink Course By Charles Floate

Selling Backlinks Course

If you own a website, you’ve probably had an email from a random person offering you money for links… A lot of the times, they can be dodgy, but there is also an untouched gold mine sitting in your email inbox.

Whilst it may take 1,000 visitors to generate a couple dollars of ad revenue… If you have 1,000 organic visitors per month to your blog, it’s likely worth $100+ PER LINK.

However, it’s also against Google’s guidelines to sell links AND a lot of the people emailing you are looking for freebies or quite simply, don’t know what the hell they’re doing!

But This Is Still A Billion Dollar Industry

Whilst there hasn’t been an up to date study, Ahrefs in 2016 found nearly 20% of ALL blogs online were selling links –

As well as the fact that 84% of agencies prioritized link building for local clients –

Which was actually a step up from the year prior.

Which goes hand in hand with my flooded email inboxes, growing every year with the number of people wanting to buy backlinks.

What’s Your Knowledge of Selling Links & Setting Up Blogs?

I’ve been selling backlinks, middle manning deals & setting up sites for over a decade now.

In that time I’ve learned the lessons from both sides of the industry, being a buyer and seller myself.

As well as I still make a consistent, monthly income out of my failed website builds turned backlink selling cash cows!

How Much Money Can You Really Make?

Even having just one very average blog in a fairly popular niche can easily generate you an extra $500 – $1,000 per month in link sales, whilst still being safe and sticking on topic.

If you have an array of blogs, set up the processes I teach & potentially even hire a VA to manage the entire process for you…

I know SEOs with dozens of blogs making upwards of $20,000 per month.

How Much Time Do You Put Into This?

The truth is… Hardly any.

I still manually run the sales (through a VA) but it’s just the case of email exchanges and five-minute sales vetting.

Doing your due diligence is one of the most important parts of this business, and knowing how isn’t all that common knowledge.

What Will You Learn?

  • Link Buying & Selling Industry Primer (A Complete Introduction)
  • How To Vet Link Sellers & Avoid Dodgy Deals
  • How To Value Your Blog & The Offer
  • How Much Should You Charge? (Get The Best Out Of Your Blog)
  • Additional Factors To Consider When Selling A Link
  • How To Attract More Link Buyers To Your Site

As well as more tips, tricks & how to understand all the industry jargon that’s used to confuse you into selling at cheap rates.

Selling Backlink Course By Charles Floate, what is it included (Content proofWatch here!):

  • 01-Selling Backlinks by Charles Floate.pdf