
Shamini Jain – Voicing the Goddess

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Shamini Jain - Voicing the Goddess

Shamini JainVoicing the Goddess

New 7-Week Video Training Starts
Thursday, September 3, 2020

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this transformational intensive, Shamini will teach you how to use the power of your voice to connect with Vedic and Tantric goddesses through sacred sound and mantra — revealing little-known insights into the many forms of the Goddess so you can experience their divine portals as catalysts for joy, creativity, and grace.

Module 1: Explore & Empower Your Sound (September 3)

You’ll begin by exploring the power of sound for healing, discovering how to free yourself energetically by connecting your sound currents with your biofield. You’ll learn what ancient and modern science have to say about the power of sound and chanting for healing, and you’ll explore whether you have blocks in your own sound-making, and how to fully open channels.

You’ll discover tried-and-true singing exercises as well as ancient vocal sound-healing techniques — to help clear and connect your energetic field, and ready yourself for manifestation and spiritual progression.

In this module, you’ll find your voice, learning:

What ancient and modern science say about the power of inner and outer sound for healing
How ancient Vedic and Tantric teachings on the four dimensions of sound can help expand your consciousness
How to scan your energy field and release stuck energy using your voice
How to free your voice — to free your life

Module 2: Sound Vibration, Goddesses & Elements (September 10)

Ancient Vedic and Tantric teachings — based on thousands of years of collective practice — recognized that specific sound vibrations were connected with elemental and planetary energies. These energies are often represented by goddesses who can help us on our spiritual path.

You’ll find out how to connect with these energies through your biofield by using specific seed mantras. Then, you’ll start working with these seed mantras to restore harmony, strength, and peace in yourself, no matter what the outer circumstances.

In this module, you’ll connect with sound and:

  • Learn specific seed mantras and how to resonate them powerfully in your biofield, to better feel and harmonize your energies
  • Explore the connection between seed mantras and lunar, solar, fire, water, air, space, and earth energies
  • Assess which energies are strong in you, and which ones you feel you need to connect with more
  • Learn the power of the GODDESS as Generating, Orchestrating, Destroying Devis who Empower Soul Service
  • Work appropriately with seed mantras to further open your biofield to divine assistance, for a beautiful soul-filled life

Module 3: Being Grounded, Strong & Compassionate — Receiving the Wisdom of Durga Ma (September 17)

Durga Ma, often considered the Mother Goddess in Vedic teachings, enables us to persevere through difficult times with grace and strength. She teaches us how to both vanquish our enemies, and rule with compassion.

Learn how to connect with Durga Ma through mantra and visualization — to bring a sense of groundedness, wholeness, and compassion for all living beings in your life.

In this module, you’ll deepen your connection with the Mother by:

  • Connecting with the strong yet compassionate energies of Durga Ma
  • Assessing areas of your life where you could use Durga Ma’s assistance
  • Cultivating groundedness and stability through your biofield, with a simple yet powerful Durga mantra
  • Learning how to connect with Durga Ma to help and protect you during challenging times
  • Receiving a Durga mantra you can voice for protection

Module 4: Clearing & Transformation — Integrating the Power of Maha Kali (September 24)

In this session, you’ll explore how to seek assistance from Kali Ma in a safe way to unlock powerful transformation and clear away negativity. Kali Ma is a fierce and compassionate goddess whose divine force can help you raise your kundalini energies, clear away habit patterns and attachments, and transform your life.

Maha Kali teaches us about the boundlessness of consciousness and the ability to transcend space and time to experience life beyond dualities. Kali Ma’s lighting-quick abilities also remind us that while change is inevitable, transformation can happen in an instant.

In this module, you’ll clear and transform your energy field by:

  • Discovering the different faces of Kali Ma from Vedic and Tantric teachings and how Kali’s manifestations relate to your letting-go process
  • Experiencing deep cleansing and energetic clearing of dis-ease patterns with a powerful Maha Kali chant
  • Exploring where Kali Ma’s lightning and motion energies of transformation are needed in your life
  • Learning how to approach Kali Ma to aid you in clearing away attachments, etheric noise, and unresolved emotions

Module 5: Fostering Creative Flow — Matangi & Saraswati (October 1)

This week, you’ll learn how to unlock your creative flow and open up your wisdom channels with the goddesses Saraswati and Matangi. Saraswati, one of the three main Vedic goddesses, is known as the goddess of wisdom and the mother of the creative arts. Saraswati is reflected in the goddess Matangi, one of the Mahavidyas (Wisdom Goddesses) in the Tantric tradition.

While Saraswati teaches us about the beauty of timing and precision, Matangi takes us beyond the confines of cultural conditioning to explore the unbridled, ecstatic nature of the creative force and the ultimate reality of subtle sound. Explore how these powerful goddesses can help you unlock your creative bliss and the flow of wisdom.

In this module, you’ll become a co-creator by:

  • Awakening the creative, flowing energies of your second chakra through mantra and sound practices
  • Exploring how sound, lunar, and water energies foster an energetic relationship between creative freedom, flow, bliss, and wisdom
  • Experiencing yourself as a limitless, creative being
  • Connecting with Matangi and Saraswati to bless your creative pursuits and help you gain wisdom

Module 6: Experience the Laws of Attraction & Abundance With Lakshmi Devi (October 8)

Lakshmi Devi is a highly revered goddess in the Vedic tradition, who fosters abundance in all forms. While she is often worshipped for material wealth and fame, she, as well as the Goddess Kamalatmika (Kamala) in Tantric tradition, teaches us about the attractive force, devotion, and fulfillment through purity of intention. Learn how to connect with Lakshmi and Kamala Devi for powerful manifestation and spiritual ascension.

In this module, you’ll become abundance by:

  • Using your inner light to connect with Lakshmi and Kamala Devi
  • Learning how magnetic energies can be combined in mantra practices to attract goodness and abundance in your life
  • Becoming aware of things that can hinder the appearance of Lakshmi in your life — and how to clear them
  • Understanding the relationship between purity and manifestation
  • Receiving a simple mantra to foster abundance in your life

Module 7: From Pleasure to Bliss — The Magic of Tripura Sundari (October 15)

Tripura Sundari, one of the ten Mahavidyas or Tantric Wisdom Goddesses, is known for her qualities of bestowing sensual pleasure and playfulness in her manifestation as Lalita. Tripura Sundari also teaches us of the ultimate liberating power of Shakti, the Divine Feminine.

With Tripura Sundari’s guidance, we follow the Divine Feminine energies and unify them with those of the Divine Masculine to taste transcendence, and experience reality in its full unfolding as bliss and unity consciousness.

Find out how connecting with the energies and forms of Tripura Sundari in your life can help you break through to bliss — even in ordinary life.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Understand why Tripura Sundari is revered as one of the highest goddesses in Tantric tradition
  • Explore what she teaches us about the ultimate nature of wellbeing
  • Connect with Tripura Sundari through mantra to unlock your sensuality and playfulness​
  • Pray to Tripura Sundari through powerful meditative practices to help move beyond the veil of duality and experience blissful union