
Sifu Rob Jones – The School of Chi Energy Training

Original price was: $970.00.Current price is: $92.00.

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Sifu Rob Jones - The School of Chi Energy Training

Sifu Rob JonesThe School of Chi Energy Training

An Extraordinary Chi energy Cultivation method

Learn to Buildup Abundant Amounts of Energy that will become incredibly Healing to your own body while you learn Unique Chi Techniques and Abilities.  As a Student at the School of Chi Energy, you’ll experience a very unique chi cultivation process; we’ll teach you how easy it is to build up your own body’s energy by using Specialized Circular Forms of Chi.

In School, you’ll learn that your body’s Bio-Energy or Bio-photons have amazing attributes to them. An extraordinary thing about these bio-photons is that they can be cooled, paused in space and filled with healing emotional content. You’ll be taught how to amass biophotons together and form these electrical chains into Circular Forms of Healing Energy.

The Chi Energy Method Experience

Discover how the buildup of Biophotons are the ‘ingredients’ to achieving the Advanced levels in Bio-Energy Abilities and Techniques.
How BioEnergy (Chi) is Measured in the Body

Chi Energy Instructor Sifu Cicero is measured in the Ultraviolet Range with her Biophoton Emissions

Get immediately download here: Sifu Rob Jones – The School of Chi Energy Training

School of Chi Energy Student Training

We are a Full Service Four Year online Chi Energy School of Training. Students receive classes & instruction in video, audio and pdf lecture format. This includes Certified Instructor Training Feedback via email, phone or Skype support to help students reach the professional levels at energy work.

What you’ll Learn and Practice…

The School of Chi Energy teaches students how to build up high levels of Bioenergy in Specialized Electrical Magnetic Biophoton Forms. Students build up these Tangible Forms of Bio-Energy in order to be able to perform Advanced Healing and Unique Chi Abilities that effect Space & Time at the Vortex\Circuit level.