
The complete Headache guide Remove the Headache not the Head

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The complete Headache guide Remove the Headache not the Head

The complete Headache guide Remove the Headache not the Head

Can you mention a person who didn’t suffer from Headache his whole life ? your answer is probably: NO

Can you mention a person who suffers continually from headaches and is struggling with different treatment options to the point of frustration ? your answer is probably: Yes

Headache is among the most common reasons patients seek medical attention, about 90% of all adults experienced headache at some time in their lives, and over 75% of children have complained of headaches by the age of 15 years, knowing that, we can explain the huge costs and the devastating negative effects on quality of life headache cause each year.

Join me in a journey to establish why, how, and when Headache is formed and treated creating a sold base of scientific-proved information away from myth and shallow missense.

Important note : All the scientific material presented in this course is the result of extensive exhausting long hours of illustration and simplification of Headache chapters and choosing the best quality images  from the “Bibles” of Internal medicine and Neurology textbooks in the world (Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 19th ed, Internal Medicine GOLDMAN & CECIL 25th ed ,Fundamentals of Neurology, Crash course Neurology)