The Sexual Communication Workshop Program By Alex Allman
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The Sexual Communication Workshop Program By Alex Allman – Instant download!
Sexual Communication: The Secret Language For Getting Everything You Want In Your Romantic Relationships (And Unlocking Your Partner’s Wildest Sexual Desires) |
Have you ever wished that you could communicate with the opposite sex in way that was so CONFIDENT and SMOOTH that it would LAND exactly right… In a way that she could not misunderstand… and that would receive an enthusiastic “YES!” every time?
I went through way more than my share of bumbling humiliations, irrational bouts of anxiety, helpless feelings of inadequacy, and black nights of loneliness, rejection, and heartbreak in my own struggles with this stuff. Maybe you can relate: Shy… at a loss for words… not getting the caliber of women you most want to be in a relationship with… or not even getting the time of day from really attractive women… And simply not having a clue how to lead conversations in an attractive sexual direction. It took ME many hundreds of insights (and setbacks and bleak years of heartbreak) across three DECADES to get to a place of romantic, sexual, and emotional abundance and ease… and then ultimately to an incredibly happy and fulfilling marriage to the woman of my dreams… Now after teaching and writing about sex, love, dating, and relationships for more than 10 years, I have finally cracked the “master code” on what separates some men from others when it comes to the guys who easily get the women they want… or have the great relationships they want… from the guys that are, like I myself used to be– lonely, and intensely frustrated that nothing seems to work. I have finally narrowed down everything I learned in all of those years into the ONE THING that consistently yields the maximum and most effective results for every one of my clients, both men and women… And that one thing is something I call: “Sexual Communication.” |
The Sexual Communication technique that I’ve discovered is so different from what we think of as “normal communication” that it’s wildly counter-intuitive for most people.
But now that I have figured it out, I can easily show it to YOU… (and it’s not going to take you the 30 years it took me!)… In fact, you can learn this method in only about 4 hours. And the magic is that not only does it let you create sexual sizzle when meeting someone new, and give you the ability to escalate the relationship forward when dating someone you think is special… but if you’re in a relationship you need to pay special attention to this, because this is the key to having the sexual relationship you want inside of your relationship (even if you’ve been married for years). |
Why Almost Nobody Figures This Out On Their Own…
It turns out nobody is born knowing how to do this… which is kind of weird since our entire species depends on couples figuring this stuff out– It’s HARD walking up to an attractive woman and saying hello for the first time… Or telling your lover you want to “try new things” when you’ve gotten into a rut… Or moving your date from conversation to the bedroom… Or trying to find out why your wife seems distant with you… Most men feel some anxiety around these conversations. And that anxiety is sourced from a fear of loss, fear of looking stupid, fear of rejection, fear of making things worse… And that fear is what could make your communication come across as needy, or manipulative, or annoying, or worst of all: That fear could make you clam up and just not even try. And “not even trying” is the most common choice– which sucks, because how are you going to get what you want out of romantic relationships that way? Like they say in sports: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” |
Secret Sexual Attraction Key (that NOBODY talks about)
Obviously there are a ton of authors, bloggers, and experts who talk about sexual attraction, and the achingly, punishingly powerful desire we have to magically make another person feel it with us, exactly when and how we want them to! It SUCKS when you feel desire for someone else and they don’t have those feelings of desire for you. And for the most part we have ZERO power to change their minds. However… It is also a self evident fact that some people are naturally crazy-good at it! Now I’m not just blowing smoke here… I know that it is also observably true that most of the people that are crazy-good at making other people feel sexual desire for them, are also very PHYSICALLY ATTRACTIVE! BUT… and you know this is true… It is also observably self-evident that SOME people seem to have absolutely magical powers at attracting the opposite sex… who are NOT particularly physically attractive at all. Think about the guy you know who has had the most success with woman. I BET you he’s not the most attractive guy you know, right? And THAT fact has been the subject of a lot of writing, a lot of marketing and promising, and a lot of crazy frustration! There is some excellent advice out there, but most of it falls short of the simple truth that we see over and over again: Guy A says and does xyz and he gets the girl. Guy B, his student, watches closely, does and says xyz, and gets rejected. And often (and I have seen this over and over again first hand), Guy B is objectively much better looking than Guy A. And yes, it absolutely works this way for frustrated women too (though women are more often sold clothing, makeup, and plastic surgery than methods… but the desired result and the frustration are the same). |
Sexual Polarity You’ve probably read that sexual desire comes from sexual polarity and that is 100% true. But it is also true that you can have massive sexual polarity with someone and still creep them out or turn them off– IN FACT: “Creeping someone out,” just like attraction, can only exist through sexual polarity. I am good friends and colleagues with more than a dozen teachers and thought leaders whose entire professional life is consumed with only this one question of attraction. They are “pick up artists,” relationship coaches, love coaches, attraction coaches, authors, and more… And while I agree with some and disagree with others, and some are moral and some are sleazy… they all actually try very hard to reverse engineer this same question and give results to their clients. And we (I include myself here) often fail. The frustrating and sad fact is, even though many of us have actually made the transition ourselves from being lonely, socially awkward, and clueless to being comfortable, confident, and abundant in our sexual lives… That doesn’t mean it’s a simple thing to reverse engineer all of the internal and external changes that happened, and it doesn’t always mean that, “what works for me will work for you.” But I will tell you this, and I can’t prove it, but I’d bet everything on the fact that I’m right: Nothing works for everyone, but for every particular individual there is SOMETHING that will work. Sometimes you have to find the right teacher, the right time, the right method or metaphor, and it finally just CLICKS. This new method that I’m going to share about sexual polarity and attraction is going to be a huge ground-shift in understanding for nearly everyone who has been frustrated in this area of their lives, and it’s going to be the exact thing that unleashes a huge improvement in your power to create sexual desire in the woman that you have your eyes on… whether a stranger or a long-term partner. |
How To Unlock Your Woman’s Wild Sexual Desires | |
As a general rule, all humans have wild sexual desires, shocking fantasies, and dirty thoughts that would have made Hugh Hefner blush…
But most people have some upper limit to how much they’ll share– how much they dare to even admit they’ve imagined… much less what they’ll actually DO in real life. And counter-intuitively (and sometimes heartbreakingly), often their partner is the last to know. Sometimes a man or a woman will live their entire lives and go to their graves without ever admitting, much less acting upon their intense sexual longings. Other times (and this is hard to hear, but it’s true), a person will be wild and sexual with everyone BUT their husband or wife. |
Her Husband Was The Only One That Didn’t Know
One of my clients, came out as bisexual in college. She had a group of friends that were very much part of the sex-forward scene in New York, and had many wild experiences with women, men, and even groups. She loved sex. But in her late 20s, her biology flipped a switch and she began longing for children and a family… and she knew was never going to find that if she continued in her current social scene. One Sunday afternoon, at a company softball game, she met a guy, who was coaching some young children in T-ball on the next field. He was great with the kids, kind, gentle, and grounded… Just the opposite of her old scene in every way. They were married within the year, and within 4 years they had two beautiful children. But their sex life, from the beginning, was dull, and after the children, it was nearly non-existent. As far as he knew, she was just one of those “low sex drive” women. She told him she was kind of “grossed out” by oral sex (which certainly had never been true in the past). She never wanted to have sex, and in short order he was reduced to begging for the occasional, grudging quickie. I’d love to tell you about how I fixed all of that for them, but by the time I met my client, she and her former husband were already separated and she had a new lover… and it was sex morning, noon, and night whenever the kids were with dad. She was overwhelmed with guilt, pain, and shame that she had never been able to get herself to open up to her ex, because, truly, she loved him. He was a good man, a great dad, handsome, and had the body of a competitive athlete… And he was her husband and the father of her children. Daddy issues? Yeah, of course, I mean we all have our daddy issues– but mainly it was an “inner parts conflict.” She had introduced him to a part of herself that was yearning for family and children, and she didn’t know how to have that side of herself coexist with the raging sex kitten part of herself that also lived inside of her. Both parts were authentic sides of her identity, but… When he was around, she just couldn’t bring that sexual side of herself out. And unfortunately for him, he didn’t know how to speak the right language to release that part of his (ex) wife’s identity. And that’s a shame, because it was right there, just under the surface, dying to come out the entire time. By simply spending a few minutes learning about how Sexual Communication works, she was able to enjoy BOTH sides of her identity with her new lover. I met her ex-husband once socially, but he didn’t know who I was, or that his former wife was a client. Good dude. And from what I could tell, he has no idea to this day that his wife was, and is, a highly sexual creature. It’s like he never really knew the woman he was married with. Crazy. But like I said, it didn’t have to be that way. |
His Raging Sexuality… Beaten Down |
I had another pair of clients, a couple, who came to see me for a single session when I was doing research for my “Passion & Attraction That Lasts” program, and I was doing a ton of free sessions with married couples who were unhappy with their sex life.In this case Charles was the one who was sexually reserved, and it was Tamara who was complaining about vanilla sex, boring sex, and no sex.
Charles grew up in a strict baptist home and was made to feel humiliated and bad about his sexuality from a very young age. As an adult he actually KNEW what the story was. He knew that his upbringing had messed him up. He knew that his intense sexual desires were “normal,” and he really was ready to put it behind him, but… As far as Tamara knew, he was just completely asexual. He just had “no normal male desires.” And to make things worse, when they did have sex, he couldn’t last more than 2 minutes. In fact, as Tamara talked about it, it sounded like she actually hated him. And as she vented, Charles sat next to her looking so miserable that I wanted to just give him a hug. And then, when I challenged her about her anger, she suddenly collapsed and started crying and telling me how much she loved him. He comforted her gently and looked at me helplessly. The fact that Tamara was more sexually experienced than he was was part of what emasculated him, and made him feel helpless to bring forth the truth of his sexual side. She was, as in the previous example, the one person on Earth that he found it hardest to access his sexual side with. As I was asking him direct questions about his past and his true feelings about sex, and it was all coming out, Tamara looked shocked. Because while there was a raging male desire in there… he was so beaten down that he was close to a panic attack when he thought about actually doing or even saying anything about those desires with Tamara. And what was the secret sauce to fixing their relationship? Getting Tamara to see that her communication style was unwittingly (but expertly) dancing with that panicked, sexually repressed part of Charles. She had taken over for his parents in beating him down. And counter-intuitively, even though she loved him, and what she wanted most was a great sex life with her husband, there was also a part of her that liked the power she had over him… having that upper hand in the relationship because of the sex issue. Applying the basics of Sexual Communication to the situation made her INSTANTLY realizeBut when she realized that giving up that power was the key to a happy marriage, and it was a no brainer. Now the fact is, it’s not always this fast and easy, and I don’t want to mislead you into thinking that is… But yes, after that single session, once they both SAW what was happening, their sex life lit on fire, and so did their romance and their deepest heart connection… because they had been through this transformative process TOGETHER. For the first time they were able to be raw and honest about EVERYTHING. Tears of happiness and relief, wild sex, soul-mate intimacy, and relationship euphoria followed. Honestly it was fucking beautiful, and it made me feel like the world’s greatest relationship genius. But like I said, not all of them are that fast and easy! But the moral of the story is: |
Everyone has a wild side.
And every one of us is yearning to give their heart and their soul to a partner who can unlock that in us, to make feel unashamed of that part of ourselves, to invite that part out and be our playmate in our most taboo and erotic desires. Meeting that kind of lover is like winning the lottery. Becoming that lover is gift to yourself and a gift to every romantic partner throughout your life. And of course, it makes you intensely attractive to the opposite sex. Now I cannot in any pragmatic way do free sessions with every one of my readers… but what I CAN do is transmit my very best methods in a way that anyone can take, and use, and apply in your own love life. My goal is to give you the tools and the templates to be able to do this magic with your next partner– and if you are already in a relationship, to dig right into your specific issues and have a real, powerful, and lasting breakthrough. And that is exactly what I have done with my new program: |
Getting The Sex You Want What is the love life that you want? Here’s what some of the first people who went through this course said:
Here’s my point: Whatever you want from your sex life, particularly if you’re not currently getting it, is going to require that you get another human enrolled in your plan! You probably want to get good at expressing your deepest desires in a way that is most likely to get your partner (or that person you just met in the True Crime section of the bookstore or the pickup counter at the espresso bar) turned on, and enthusiastic about joining you in fulfilling those desires… You want to get good at making a partner feel at ease and open about their deepest sexual secrets and desires… You want to get good at dealing with those self-sabotaging pangs of insecurity, inadequacy, and neediness that are the direct obstacle to your ability to get good at the things above… And you want to get really good at creating that magnetic, pulsing undercurrent of desire and tension that we call “sexual polarity”… In fact, I’ll just go out on a limb here, and say that you might want to be more than just “good” at it, you might want to become a Jedi Master at this stuff. (I don’t want to nerd out TOO much here, but just imagine what you could with the, “These are not the droids you’re looking for,” trick in your sex life.) The funny truth is that most humans are terrible at Sexual Communication, and when we find a partner who’s skilled at it, not only is it FUN, not only does it make for a great sex life and a great, open, honest, trustable relationship… but you don’t even know how much crazy stress and anxiety you carry around about this stuff until you have a partner that gives you permission to drop it, to set that stuff aside and just enjoy your mutual desires. Most of the time, when you get better at Sexual Communication, not only does your sex life get better, not only do your relationships become more real, trustable, and enjoyable, but you also give a huge gift to your partner/s. |
A Real Method That Works To Get You What You Want From The Opposite Sex… While Giving Them Everything They Ever Imagined
Communication between humans is, frankly, hard enough. Even with all of the rules and laws around driving, even with traffic lights, double yellow lines, and careful signage, people still manage to crash into each other… But once you take away the law book of “rules of the road,” and then trigger people’s deepest insecurities and feelings of inadequacy, and then add the element of sexual polarity into the mix… Well, is it any wonder most people have no idea how to get what they want in romantic relationships? That’s why I decided to create a program on Sexual Communication, and that’s why I’m inviting you to check it out for yourself. The truth is: I don’t have all of the answers. No one does. But I’ve got a specific and repeatable method for communicating with the opposite sex so that you can: |
Who’s This Program For… These Methods Are Designed For You
Who Is Alex Allman?
My story is probably similar to yours… When I was younger, I was always getting Sexual Communication wrong, or I’d just freeze because I just didn’t have a clue what to say or do when it came to these situations. I know, first hand, just how bad things can get: I’ve had more than my share of feeling LONELY, unloved, unwanted, heart-broken, and depressed… both when I was single AND when I was in relationships that just weren’t working. Until you understand how to be effective with Sexual Communication, all of your relationships are either fails, frustration, or just hard work. I don’t just create these programs for my readers and private clients– I use every one of these insights in my own marriage as well, and I know first hand that getting these things right is the central key to a life of ease, happiness, passion, and fulfillment. Even if every other part of your life is kicking you in the groin, when your love life is singing with passion, sizzle, trust, love, and understanding, the whole world looks GREAT. Throughout this program my goal is help you get everything you want… not from the opposite sex… but with the opposite sex, and hopefully act as your guide in one of the most difficult, but potentially rewarding parts of your life: Your Romantic Relationships I live in New York City with my wife, Angelina, and our daughter Nadia. |
It Doesn’t Matter If You Are A Man Or A Woman… We All Need To Learn This Stuff
During the course of creating this program, I surveyed thousands of my readers about their biggest challenge with the opposite sex… Take a look at some of these little quotes I took from some of the “most typical” replies… “It’s the things we don’t… or can’t talk about…” “I want to feel like there is a connection that goes beyond just intimacy” “Whenever I try to have the relationship become “exclusive”, I feel like I make it too formal” “Fear that the other person won’t be accepting of what I want or will outright reject it, and then where do we go from there?” “Changing direction when a pattern or expectation has already been established and wanting to try out something new” “Getting my partner to open up more about wants and desires” “Asking for what I really want sexually instead of just waiting/hoping that my partner will do it” “Communicating problems while not pushing the other person away” “I don’t know how to make the 1st move” “I struggle with confidence, feeling like I am worthy” Okay, now here’s my question: Do you think you know which of these statements were written by men, and which by women? You can click or mouse over each of the statements above to see for yourself… But the bigger point is, these were the same issues that were common to EVERYONE… and I could have quite easily found examples to make all of these male or all of these female. If you’re a human, you’re going to struggle with at least some of these things– and most people struggle with every one of them at some point in their lives.
Friends Or Lovers
Heterosexual men and women can be just friends, of course. We can be co-workers, we can be team-mates, we can be soldiers that have each other’s backs, we can be business partners or adversaries, we can be absolutely functional individuals without any of the sex and attraction stuff getting in the way… But… Once we make that invisible, instant, and undeniable connection to Sexual Communication, everything is completely different. It’s like reality itself suddenly changes, and all of the rules, everything that works and everything doesn’t work– It all shifts. Now we know that Sexual Communication when “normal” communication is supposed to be happening is inappropriate, and it can get you into a lot of trouble these days, but that is not what this particular program is about. This Sexual Communication workshop is about becoming comfortable, confident, and excellently skilled at Sexual Communication in all the places in your life where it is appropriate: Flirting, dating, seducing, love making, falling in love, and having great relationships. Of course different individuals have different important issues at different times in their lives. And ultimately the biggest insight that I’ve discovered is that all of the smaller hurdles that I’ve learned to help clients get good at along the way, each of which I’ve created individual trainings around, can ALL be solved with just one principle. And in case it’s not obvious, that principle is Sexual Communication. |
I hope to see your name in the program! I know that what you’ll learn in this course has the power to radically and instantly improve the results that you get when it comes to love, sex, relationships, romance, and interacting comfortably and effectively in your relationships.
For Passion, Alex
P.S., “Name Your Own Price” is a test. I am frankly in LOVE with the idea of doing business this way, but also I have some very serious business realities involving boring shit like marketing costs, affiliate payouts, employees that need to get paid, and my own rent to pay, among others… So whether or not this can continue, or if I’ll ever do it again, is really about what happens in the next few days. I really hope that I can keep this up for as long as possible! However, for the above reasons, my company (Life Love Passion Inc) reserves the absolute right to remove or change this offer at any time. If this is an important factor in your decision to join the program, then now is the time to take action. |
The Sexual Communication Workshop Program By Alex Allman, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!)
1. Core Program Videos
2. Audio
3. Transcripts and Outlines