
The Ultimate CBO Cookbook 2021 By Depesh Mandalia

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The Ultimate CBO Cookbook 2021 By Depesh Mandalia – Instant Download!

Build A Profitable Facebook Ads Machine With Consistent Profits
Your Complete Guide To Building, Testing, Stabilising & Profiting with Facebook Ads

New Updates (Sept 2021) Now Includes iOS14.5 Tips & Updates!

What you will get

How to Get Consistency And Stability in Your Ad-Account
​Learn The Complete Testing-Process For How To Test and Analyze Audiences, Angles and Creatives
​Exact Step By Step Strategies For Testing, Prospecting, & Retargeting That We Use In Our Agency And With Our Clients With More Than $40+ Millions in Ad Spend
​Intermediate to Advanced: Works With Budgets from $300/Day To $30,000+/Day
Using Insider-Knowledge after spending years knowledge-sharing with Facebook product teams
“After studying the techniques and strategies Chef Depesh outlines, I know I’ll be hitting 5 figure days consistently…”
– Ghadeer Rahhal (7-figure Ecommerce store owner)

As Used By Over 1000 Facebook Marketers Like You

The Ultimate CBO Cookbook 2021 By Depesh Mandalia

Understand the Facebook Algorithm:
Use the Algorithm to your advantage for lower CPM’s and higher profits

Step by step Ad and Audience testing-process like our agency uses for accounts spending $50/day to $30,000/day

Stability and Consistency:
Using the right framework, create Stability and Consistency in Your Ad Accounts using simple step by step written instructions.

BONUS: Retargeting Strategies
Our tried and test Infinity Retargeting strategies – worth the investment alone!

BONUS: Small Spend Test & Grow
Learn how to use test and optimise for Small Spends (starting at $50/day) and small audiences.

Bonus: Scaling Strategies
For a LIMITED TIME you’ll also get some bonus SCALE strategies to use once you’ve gained stability to enable you to scale and keep profits.

This training program is packed full of actionable advice on building a profitable Facebook ads MACHINE with CONSISTENT Profit.

It’s designed for the Facebook marketer spending at least $250 per day up to $25K per day.
It’s part education, part implementation.
It’s actionable right now and a companion for months to come.
It’s using proven strategies for Stability and Consistency – backed by millions in ad spend across multiple verticals across Ecom and Digital Products & Services.
It gives deep advice into how we structure testing, prospecting, develop our campaign funnels, retargeting and of course scaling.
We’ve spent $40 millions + over the last 15 years testing, learning and improving our Ads recipes for prospects from top of funnel (COLD) right through to WARM and red HOT customers, converting at low costs and high profits.
Use it and scale like never before.

Some Key Insights To What You’ll Discover


What “Structured Ad Sets” are and how we used them to Scale to $8M.
The advantages and disadvantages of CBO (Campaign Budget Optimisation)
How CBO will save you time and money
How the “Customer Feedback Score” affects scaling
What the Graduation Framework is and how you go from Testing to Prospecting to Scaling confidently, time after time
Why we use CBO (and how) for Testing (including a printable Checklist)
How we test different audiences fast
When and how should you group your audiences for testing
How much budget each ad-set should spend during testing and then prospecting (ahead of scale)
Which ad set Optimization Window we use and the effects on consistency
Which KPI’s to use to analyze audiences (Hint: in this phase it’s not ROAS or CPA)
Learn how you can test different ads and creatives on (including printable Cheatsheet)
Before going in with high budgets, learn how you can “Test-Scale” (aka prospecting) your Campaign to lock-in profit and stability.
Learn the power of “Stacked Audiences”
How to use rules for pausing/restarting ads on
How to use CBO prospecting campaigns with smaller budgets
Learn how to scale BIG with CBO (and why it works better than ad set budgets)
Learn how many adsets to use in a scaling campaign to get the best stability
Learn how to identify the right scaling strategy based on your risk profile
Spend less time about Ad-Optimization: The DCO and DPA Infinity Retargeting
Plus Spend-Limits, Bid-Strategies, Editing Live-Ads, Ad-Scheduling Split-Testing, Learning-Phase and further topics to help you take control!

The Complete Guide to Testing, Prospecting, Retargeting And Being Ready To Scale your Facebook Ads
I was told to charge thousands for this knowledge.
People pay thousands to learn this in my Masterminds.
My agency charges 5-figures to implement this for clients.
However my mission is to level this up for as many Facebook advertisers that I can.
This is not just the most complete guide to Testing, Prospecting, Retargeting And Scaling with Facebook Ads available and ever created.
It’s also a TRAINING PROGRAM in written form with some supporting videos and cheatsheets designed to help your profit wildly.
To fully use the material in this training you need:
An advertising account and Page setup
Experience of creating ads and using Ads Manager
An existing Product or Service (Physical or Digital)
An idea of who might buy your Product or Service
An existing website or lead generation funnel
If you have all this then I’ll show you how to:
Identify which of the 4 pillars of the Ads Core-4 to focus on to maximise stability
Build you 5W Avatar using psychological triggers I learned from David Olgivy
Create your advertising funnels using the 4 Funnel Profit System to convince and convert your prospects
Create your ads that grab attention and gain quality clicks
Run your testing step by step to spend less finding more winning ads and audiences
Learn how to lock in profits before scaling to avoid the dreaded ROAS drop at higher spend
Bonus 1: Introduction to our scaling strategies
Bonus 2: Step by step setup of our Infinity Retargeting strategies
Bonus 3: Q&A video recording where I answer common questions

Who is Depesh Mandalia?
Depesh is one the world’s most prominent Facebook marketing experts helping business scale-up fast through expert marketing execution in the online world.
He’s invested well over $40 million in profitable global ad spend over the last 5 years in E-Commerce, Lead Gen (digital products and services), Affiliate Marketing, Mobile Apps, Local Business and more. Over the last decade he’s been responsible for driving in excess of $100M in revenue.
He shares his knowledge from stages worldwide driven by his passion for helping entrepreneurs and small businesses to punch above their weight in the online world.
He’s also an advisor and advocate for Facebook, supporting Facebook with speaking at external events and internal team days, providing regular feedback on ways Facebook can improve business growth for small and medium-sized businesses to further his own mission.
His agency, SMC, helps 6-figure and 7-figure businesses scale past $10M, and through his training programs, helps entrepreneurs and marketers of all levels scale up faster, through Facebook ads and other marketing channels with a core focus on his unique BPM System – Brand-driven, Performance Marketing.

The Ultimate CBO Cookbook 2021 By Depesh Mandalia,, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!)

  • Introduction to BPM Method – Page 28 in PDF.mp43N Ads Formula – Page 32 in PDF.mp4
  • 4-Funnel Profit System (Plus Bonus Video) – Page 33 in PDF.mp4
  • CBO Cookbook Content in backoffice.png
  • CBO Cookbook Version 3 MAIN.pdf
  • Graduation-Framework-Checklist.pdf
  • Recipe 1 – Audience-Testing-Cheatsheet-Grad-Testing-Phase-1 – Page 44.pdf
  • Recipe 2 – Ad-Testing-Cheatsheet-Grad-Testing-Phase-2 – Page 53.pdf
  • BONUS Private Recorded Student Q_A Call – Page 94 in PDF.mp4