Typography for Web Designers
  • Typography for Web Designers

Typography for Web Designers

Original price was: $278.00.Current price is: $49.00.

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Typography for Web Designers

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In Typography for Web Designers, author Laura Franz shows how to choose fonts for a web site and create beautiful, legible type. The course shares how to create designs that maximize readability (and keep visitors on the page) by paying attention to details in size, line-height, line length, alignment, color, vertical space, and more. Laura also demonstrates how to incorporate web fonts, style type with CSS, and pick fonts that work well together. Exercise files are included with the course.

Topics include:

* Understanding how good typography promotes reading
* Choosing web-safe fonts
* Applying web fonts in CSS with @font-face
* Adding and applying the Google Fonts syntax
* Finding and applying a good font size, line height, and line length
* Improving a color palette by improving contrast and reducing optical vibration
* Understanding how people mentally organize, or chunk, visual elements
* Applying a system of hierarchy in HTML and CSS
* Applying vertical spacing in CSS
* Adding emphasis within a heading
* Understanding classic and modernist typographic pages
* Adding a list of links
* Creating drop caps
* Fixing quotation marks, apostrophes, and dashes