
Video 4x Effect 2020 By Brandon Lucero

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Video 4x Effect 2020 By Brandon Lucero – Instant Download!


Imagine Where Your Business Would Be If You Started 6 Months Ago, Just Like Some Of Our Past Students and Clients:

“I Started Doing $60k Months After Using This Style of Content”

“I didn’t know how to get them to pay attention and I didn’t know how to get them to recognize that I could help. I was blown away after hearing Brandon Lucero speak… and it was a missing piece of my marketing arsenal that I didn’t even know was missing…. it’s been life changing.”

– Ashely Shaw, founder The Fitness Leader Institute

“We’ve Seen an 800% Increase In Downloads On Our Podcast”

“In the past 4 weeks we’ve seen an 800% increase in downloads to our podcast since we have been running this system. This has surpassed my wildest expectations. This course is beyond anything I have done and I have done lots and lots of courses.”

– Angus Pyke, founder of ADIO Media

Video 4x Effect 2020 By Brandon Lucero

Video 4x Effect 2020 By Brandon Lucero



To Have a Massive Audience Who BELIEVES IN YOUR MESSAGE Just As Much As You Do?

AND How Much Revenue and Impact Are You Losing By Waiting?


If You’re Anything Like Me, and The 7-Figure Entrepreneurs I Work With, Then You Probably Realize Your Impact, Message and Sales Are What FUEL You and Your Business…

… and Waiting Might Be Keeping You Safe But It’s Also Keeping You STUCK.
Unless you plan on giving up on your business and dreams then you already know you’re going to keep moving forward… what benefit do you get from moving forward in the wrong direction?

It’s Time To Say What You Want To Say and To Be Who You Want To Be.

And it’s time to live in a reality where your passion overpowers your fear and where you make more sales because you stand out by standing for something.

It’s time for the Video 4X Effect where you stand out FAST, grow an audience that loves you, make sales because of your content, and you streamline the entire process so it’s hands-off for you!

Let’s Breakdown The Video 4x Effect 2020 By Brandon Lucero
and See How You Can Fix Video In Your Business:

Pillar 1:
Identify Your Impact and Revenue Goals

This is where we start and it’s where we end up BUT we only end up here because it’s where we started. What most people do is they start creating content for the sake of creating content because they think “more content” means more followers. But, they never take into consideration how that piece of content actually gets them one step closer to making a sale or making an impact. So… they don’t see an increase in either. We fix that in this pillar.

Pillar 2:
Your Impactful and Effective Messaging

There’s a reason why two different people can use the same tactic but get such different results. It’s how they communicate in their content and sales process. Messaging and connection are everything. If you seem to be struggling with sales or content it’s likely because your messaging is off and I am willing to bet you don’t stand for anything in your content. Be unique. Be different. Be You. That is what this pillar is all about… properly communicating what you do and how you do it with an effective message that properly influences the way the human mind processes information.

Pillar 3:
Content Distribution Strategy

Most people think they need to focus on one platform when growing their audience. This could be YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or something like a podcast or blog. But, what most never realize is that video should be used on multiple platforms and be working together. When you do you can get major results on YouTube and grow your rankings and email list but also be using Facebook and Instagram to grow re-marketing audiences and create demand while building an audience. Instead of spending your energy on each platform, separately, why not put your time and effort into one strategy that will grow all platforms at once? That’s what the Video 4X Effect is all about.

Grow your audience on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube at the same time!

Pillar 4:
Make Video “Hands-Off” For You, The Entrepreneur

Almost everyone knows they need to be using video but they think it’s overwhelming and too complicated. But, here’s the truth… YOU SHOULDN’T be doing the video yourself. Do you think successful people became successful because they did everything themselves or did they become successful because they did the things successful people did? They relied on a team and when I was broke I created a system that pumps out amazing video on any budget. That’s what this pillar is all about… the video workflows, process, outsourcing, and production on ANY budget. That way you are not doing the video yourself.

“I’ve Become a Leader In My Space and… I Finally Feel I Connected My Messaging On a Whole Other Level”

Kayse Morris More Than 3x’ed Her Business & Had Her Biggest Launch That Hit Well Into Multiple Six-Figures.
A year ago Kayse came to us to change around her content, messaging and take advantage of this shift. After going through this shift with our messaging process and content methodology the video 4x effect, in a years time, she has more than 3x’ed her business, she had her biggest launch of her life that hit well into multiple six figures, and most importantly created an audience who believes in her message just as much as she does… in fact her audience has rallied behind her “CEO Teacher” movement and message so intensely that they printing out her message and putting it in their office, on their walls and even reposting it in social media. She’s also been invited to be on panels at events like Kajabi with people like Rick Mulready, James Wedmore, and other 7 figure entrepreneurs.

Want a Look Inside and See What’s Waiting For You?


Module One: Setting The Foundation Of Powerful Content & Reality Shifts

To truly create mind-blowing content you need to understand how and why your audience thinks the way they do. You need to understand how they create their version of reality. When you understand this it becomes easy to unravel the part of their reality that causes pain and/or suffering. This is the foundation of what creates mind-blowing content.

Total: 4 Videos

Video 1: Beliefs Vs. Reality – Delivering Ultimate Value
Video 2: The Shifts You Will Have To Make First
Video 3: Shifting Reality For You AND Your Audience
Video 4: Connecting The Shift To Messaging, Content & Your Offer

Module Two: Impact & Revenue Goals Turned Into Your Messaging North Star

This module is the foundation of where a movement is created. This training shows you how to make your audience a part of your message so they rally behind you striving towards YOUR greater cause. Missing these steps will leave you just creating “content” with no purpose, movement or rally behind it. No one will be vested in your misson if you miss this step.

Total: 3 Videos

Video 1: Crafting Vision, Deeper Purpose & Overall Message
Video 2: Combing Message With Impact & Revenue Goals
Video 3: Checklist For – Is This Video Connected To The Messaging Ecosystem?


Module One: Your High-Level Methodology and Creating Massive Demand

In this module we reveal the secrets to creating a POWERFUL unique solution but also how to create identities within your messaging eco-system. This is where you learn how to STAND OUT in your own space but get your audience to realize where they are, who they are and who they need to be. This is where YOU CREATE DEMAND, without selling.

Total: 4 Videos

Video 1: Combining Powerful Messaging with Powerful Content
Video 2: Defining Your Struggling Avatar
Video 3: Defining Your Future Paced Hero
Video 4: Defining Your Unique Solution & Methodology

Module Two: Identifying Your Video Topics

There is a science to pulling out the right video topics and avoiding the ones that could hurt your brand and messaging. After creating thousands of videos in tons of different niches we’ve found the perfect process to identifying the video topics for the fastest results. You will leave this module with an powerful list of topics that all fall within your messaging ecosystem and create demand for your offer.

Total: 7 Videos

Video 1: Uncovering The REAL Powerful Topics
Video 2: Thought Reversal: What Are They REALLY?
Video 3: Thought Reversal: Identifying Topics
Video 4: Northstar “What To Do” Videos
Video 5: Connection Pieces
Video 6: Ratios and Crafting The Titles
Video 7: Other Types Of Content And Your Story

Module Three: Scripting Your Videos

There’s a reason why people are PULLED into our content, video series, emails and copy. There is a very specific way your videos should be scripted, communicated to appeal to your audiences conscious and subconscious. This is complete with script templates, formats, and frameworks.

Total: 4 Videos

Video 1: Demand Creating What To Do Videos (Demand Creating Frameworks Available)
Video 2: Thought Reversal Scripting Frameworks (Frameworks and Script Templates)
Video 3: Connection Videos (Frameworks and Demand Creating Patterns Available)
Video 4: Testing Styles Of Videos

Module Four: Creating The Videos

Although we believe the message is far more important than the video quality you still need to know the video types that people are consuming online so you can get the BEST of both worlds. After testing thousands of videos we’ve found the best types of content that people are consuming online and show you the styles you can use… even with your phone.

Total: 3 Videos

Video 1: Video Styles
Video 2: Phone Videos
Video 3: Camera Videos

Module Five: Amplify Your Scripting – Ethical Influence & Persuasion

This is where you can master the art of language. This is the secret sauce to creating scripts, marketing, messaging that is designed based on how the human mind processes information. WARNING: Once you go through this training you will see these patterns used in all the top books, podcast, speeches, and content online. Once you see this, there is no going back. It will open up a new world for you but a world where you not only can use it but you SEE it all the best content you consume.

Total: 5 Videos

Video 1: Influence & Persuasion Hacks (Binds, Reframes, etc)
Video 2: Language Patterns: Sleights of Mouth Patterns part 1
Video 3: Language Patterns: Sleights of Mouth Patterns part 2
Video 4: SOM patterns LIVE In Action
Video 5: Creating Demand & Selling w/o Selling With The “ROA-Method” & “Desire-But” Method

SECTION THREE: Posting Schedules

Module One: Organic Posting Strategy

Our philsophy is that your content should be able to spread and grow on its own without needing boosting or paid traffic and Video 4x content does exactly that. This module is all about how to post and deploy your content organic throughout YouTube, Facebook and Instagram to build organically.

Total: 4 Videos

Video 1: Test. Everything.
Video 2: Starting Schedule
Video 3: Micro-Content
Video 4: Advanced Posting
Video 5: Incorporating Your Message In ALL Content Beyond Video
Video 6: Facebook Posting
Video 7: YouTube Posting
Video 8: Instagram Posting


Module One: Amplify The Video 4x Effect With Paid Traffic

Now that your content is created, scripted, design and posted its time to speed up the process. Although organic is great, it can also be slow. Let’s get you nearly instant views from the people who would LOVE your content and make sure they see ALL your content. This is how we get your for views for a penny then make sure your viewers then see a thought reversal, connection and what to do video one after another regardless of the platform they are on. You will be everywhere to the right person.

Total: 5 Videos

Video 1: Set Up
Video 2: Be Everywhere With FB & Instagram
Video 3: Running Content For Launches
Video 4: Running Content For Evergreen Traffic Strategy
Video 5: Test. Everything.

Bonus Module: Hire Your First Editor & Team For The Video 4x Effect (Overseas Or In House)

Want to hire a video editor so you aren’t stuck doing any of the techie video stuff yourself?

Well good! We are going to give you everything from our job postings, on-boarding, sites, and processes to hire your first editor so they are GOOD and reliable. Everything from where to find them, how to find them, what to pay them and how to bring them on is all included.

This will be training and resources to hire your first virtual or local editor depending on what you need!

Video 4x Effect 2020 By Brandon Lucero

Nearly 1,000 Optins Per Video: Carrie Green’s Story

Before working with Brandon, Carrie was doing most of her videos herself with little results. It felt like her videos were all over the place with no intention or strategy. After working with Brandon, her video process is now hands-off and has an intentional strategy that’s building her email list and remarketing audiences on Facebook. She is averaging just under 1,000 email optins per YouTube video, gained over 600,000 views, blew past 33,000 subscribers, and has a prepped and primed remarketing audience on Facebook ready for her next launch.

James Wedmore’s First $1,000,000+ Launch With Brandon’s Video Influence and Persuasion

Your message and video are only as effective as your scripting and influence. If it’s not dialed in it may be why your videos aren’t getting the shares, reactions, views, and results you wanted. Even though James’s last video series did over $800k in a single launch, he hired Brandon to re-script and help write his entire video series so he could properly use influence, ethical persuasion, scripting, and communication based on how the brain processes info to create demand for program Business By Design. These frameworks, methods, and scripts are used inside our clients’ and students’ videos and marketing.

This is MORE Than Just a Video “Course”.
See Current Students Breakthroughs:

Video 4x Effect 2020 By Brandon Lucero

Video 4x Effect 2020 By Brandon Lucero

Video 4x Effect 2020 By Brandon Lucero


Who Is The Video 4x Effect Course For?

  • Online Entrepreneur
  • Local Business Owner
    (Including Realtors! This means ANY business that wants more LOCAL customers in their area)
  • Service Provider
  • Coach or Coaching Program Entrepreneur
  • Course Creator

The Video 4x Effect is designed for the entrepreneur who already knows video is a required part of growing a business in today’s world. If you think it’s my job to convince you that video is the answer then the Video 4x Effect is NOT for you. So, who is it for…

1) You are an entrepreneur at heart, who wants to create an impact with your message and your product/service. You know that you have something that can transform a corner of someone’s life by either motivating them, alleviating pain points, solving problems, inspiring them, or all four.


2) You are familiar with online marketing, social media platforms, organic growth, paid traffic, etc. but you are looking to streamline your process. You want your marketing plan and output to be strategic and intentional.


3) You want to be seen as a thought leader in your niche, providing insights and tools that are actually going to help your audience. As a thought leader, you wan to connect and engage with your audience and not just have high a number of disconnected followers on your platforms.


4) You want to get out of the day to day weeds of content creation, video editing and production, and live posting. Instead, you want a process and strategy that will make your marketing easy, structured, and effective so you can start spending time on higher level business ideas and concepts.



Video 4x Effect 2020 By Brandon Lucero, what  is it  included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • 1 Visionary Mindset
  • 2 Your Unique Message
  • 3 Right Message
  • 4 Paid Traffic
  • BONUS #1
  • BONUS #2
  • 1-Course Introduction.ts
  • Spiral_Workbook.pdf
  • Video_4x.pdf