YouTuber Pro By Parker Walbeck
  • YouTuber Pro By Parker Walbeck

YouTuber Pro By Parker Walbeck

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $15.00.

File size: 12.15 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
Content proofWatch here!

  • Description


YouTuber Pro By Parker Walbeck – Instant Download!

Learn how I built a YouTube channel of 1,500,000+ subscribers

Learn how to create engaging content that attracts subscribers and sponsors.

YouTuber Pro By Parker Walbeck

35 Video Lessons
6 hours of training videos on how to build a youtube channel.

Download PSD to practice making thumbnails

1 Quiz
Check for understanding with a quiz at the end of the workshop.

Links & Savings
Get direct links to recommended gear to speed up the purchasing process.


YouTuber Pro By Parker Walbeck

YouTuber Pro By Parker Walbeck, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!)

01-INTRO – 6 Reasons to Create a YOUTUBE Channel .mp4
02-Choosing a Theme-Top 10 Niches .mp4
03 – Choosing the Name of Your Channel-Business.mp4
04 – What CAMERA Gear to Buy for Youtubing-.mp4
04 – What CAMERA Gear to Buy for Youtubing.pdf
05-CONTENT – 3 Keys to Engaging Videos (Relatable, Relevant, Sharable) .mp4
06 – CONTENT – 10 Viral SHOCK Factors to Increase Sharability.mp4
07– CONTENT – How to ‘BEAT’ The Youtube ALGORITHM .mp4
08-CONTENT – 10 Tips to Increase Retention (Watch Time) .mp4
09-CONTENT – How to TITLE a Youtube Video.mp4
10 – CONTENT – Researching a Good Video Idea-Topic .mp4
10 – CONTENT – Researching a Good Video Idea-Topic.pdf
11-11 – CONTENT – How to Format-Structure Videos (Storytelling) .mp4
12-12 – CONTENT – 8 Tips to Scripting Engaging Youtube Videos .mp4
13 – SHOOTING – How I Shoot Youtube Videos (2019 Setup) .mp4
14 – SHOOTING – How I Setup-Shoot Youtube Talking Heads (2021).mp4
14 – SHOOTING – How I Setup-Shoot Youtube Talking Heads (2021).pdf
15-15 – SHOOTING – How to Shoot an Youtube Videos (Under $1,000) .mp4
16-16 – SHOOTING – 10 Tips to Talking to a Camera .mp4
17 – EDITING – Store, Import, and Prep Timeline .mp4
18 – EDITING – CHOPPING Up Talking Heads .mp4
19 – EDITING – COLOR GRADING Talking Heads .mp4
And much more!