Affluent Academy 2022 By Jordan Platten
  • Affluent Academy 2022 By Jordan Platten

Affluent Academy 2022 By Jordan Platten

Original price was: $947.00.Current price is: $22.00.

File size: 20.4 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
Content proofWatch here!

  • Description


Affluent Academy 2022 By Jordan Platten – Instant Download!

How To Build A Digital Marketing Agency

  • All Experience Levels
  • Done with You
  • Learn at your own pace


We’re a mentorship program, not a course.

It’s our ongoing mission to help aspiring entrepreneurs to achieve success that flows freely in abundance. That’s what defines Affluent.

The Academy offers a proven system that has already helped its students with no previous experience, generate £millions in revenue – creating countless successful marketing agencies.

It’s so much more than just a course, it’s a done-with-you mentorship program.

Affluent Academy 2022 By Jordan Platten

My mission is to be the mentor I needed when I first started

Affluent Academy 2022 By Jordan Platten


A straight path to $10,000+ monthly profit in as little as 90 days

  • Mindset Training
  • Find Clients
  • Sign Clients
  • Get Results
  • Scale Agency

12-Week Video Program
60+ personally delivered video lessons. All action and zero fluff.

7 Lessons
Mental Foundations
From the start, we teach you how to set yourself up for success. It’s vitally important that you yourself are a success first before we can begin on actually launching your agency. It’s these crucial foundations that separate the successful from the unsuccessful.

mindset, self identity, habits, routine, the opportunity

6 Lessons
The Launch Sequence
In this week you will learn how to set up all the essentials before starting work on your marketing agency, even if you’re completely new to business. You’ll be able to establish your position in the industry, giving you the highest chance of success right from launch.

launch plan, agency model, brand building, website creation, service formula, pricing structure

7 Lessons
Finding Clients
You will learn how to set up all the essentials before starting work on your marketing agency, even if you’re completely new to business. You’ll be able to establish your position in the industry, giving you the highest chance of success right from launch.

best niches, ideal client, lead generation, crm system

10 Lessons
Securing Meetings
In this week you will learn how to convert cold leads into meetings, using a variety of different strategies. You will also learn how to master sales, even if you have no previous experience selling before.

sales training, cold calling, direct messaging, email automation, loom strategy, outreach formula

11 Lessons
How To Close Clients
No sales experience? No problem. We’ll teach you how will learn how to convert warm leads into paying clients using our complete multi-platform meeting strategy. Even if you’re a total novice to selling.

meeting prep, full strategy, objection handling, payments, onboarding, case studies

6 Lessons
Real Sales Examples
Watch Jordan close high-ticket clients from start to finish, from initial outreach to contract signed. These call recordings will demonstrate a number of different sales based environments, including live objection handling.

call recordings, zoom calls, live cold call

7 Lessons
The Science of Getting Results
Big agencies deliver exceptional results. In this week you will learn the psychology behind why marketing works and absolutely all of the foundations around getting set up with both your agency and a brand new client.

psychology, content creation, marketing strategy, roi tracking

10 Lessons
Agency Scaling & Automations
In this week you will learn how to scale your agency to reach your personal goals and build an incredible team that’ll grant you back the time-freedom every business owner strives for.

agency targets, referral system, high-ticket sales, automated funnels, team building, self-elimination

WEEKS 8-12
37 Lessons
Service Delivery
From our experience, Facebook & Instagram ads are the fastest way to generate return on investment for businesses right now. In weeks eight to twelve we’ll take you from a complete beginner to an expert when it comes to paid social media advertising. Including exact copy & paste strategies.

objectives, targeting, best creative, full strategy

We Create Award Winning Agencies.
In recognition of consistently generating exceptional client results.


Affluent Academy 2022 By Jordan Platten
We Practice What We Preach.
Jordan Platten is the owner of, one of the worlds fastest growing digital marketing agencies, responsible for millions in new revenue for companies all over the globe. It’s only when he had success with his own agency, that he decided to begin teaching others.

$41,000,000 +
Return on Investment for clients.

Affluent Academy 2022 By Jordan Platten, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • 01 – Module 1 – Laying Your Mental Foundations
  • 02 – Module 2 – The Launch Sequence
  • 03 – Module 3 – Sales Prospecting
  • 04 – Module 4 – How To Secure Meetings
  • 05 – Module 5 – How To Close Clients
  • 06 – Module 6 – Real Sales Examples
  • 07 – Module 7 – The Science Of Getting Results
  • 08 – Module 8 – Agency Scaling & Automation System
  • 09 – Module 9 – Q&A Recordings 2021 + 2022