Authority Newsjacking By Brian Horn
  • Authority Newsjacking By Brian Horn

Authority Newsjacking By Brian Horn

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Authority Newsjacking By Brian Horn – Instant Download!

New Training Reveals A Bleeding Edge Technique
To Directly Inject Your Business
Into A Trending National News Story

Read Below To Learn How We Consistently Keep Our Business In The News And
In Front Of Prospects…And Why This Makes Them Want to Buy

I’ll Also Show You How To Inject Your Message Into A Breaking News Story And
“Ride The Wave” To Generate An Avalanche of Media Coverage

Authority Newsjacking By Brian Horn

From: Brian Horn
RE: Authority Newsjacking
Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,

For the first time, I’m revealing how we’ve redefined the relationship between entrepreneurs and the national media we want so desperately to write about our business.

You may have been there…sent out a press release about something really cool you were doing in hopes that a reporter would run with the idea, and write a powerful article for the world to see.

You sat back and waited. Kept refreshing the press release reports, hoping to see a huge spike in coverage. Checked your Google Analytics stats to see a surge in traffic that would convert into a bunch of new customers.

But nothing happened.

And it never will if you keep trying to play the game that way.

It just doesn’t work like that anymore.

…but that’s actually a good thing.

What if I told you there was a way to bypass the journalists, and directly inject that powerful journlistic style article right into the national media?

Sound crazy? It works, period.

Read below to learn how you can pull your business out of the shadows, and finally get it massive exposure in the national news…and directly in front of your prospects?

The Common Mental Block That’s Preventing You From Getting
Unlimited Exposure For Your Business…
And How Fix It Right Now

“It can’t be that easy.”

We tell ourselves that all the time. We try to make easy things difficult.

I want to share one of my favorite stories about this topic that happens to involve the legendary Betty Croker.

You see, back in the 1950’s Betty Crocker Foods had produced an instant cake-mix. All you needed to do was to add water to the supplied powder.

It was delicious, and made it very easy for a Mom to bake her family a fresh cake in a fraction of the time to make it from scratch.

The problem was that the miracle mixture did not sell.


Well, the conclusion of the psychoanalysts that she employed was that the average American housewife suconciously felt she was deceiving her family and friends into thinking she had worked hard for them when, in fact, she had done very little work. She felt there was something wrong with it because it was too easy.

To get through this “mental block” they made a small change to the recipe. They removed the powdered egg from the mix, and had the customers simply add a real egg.

The cake’s taste wasn’t improved, but by complicating the process just a little bit, the customer could satisfy her guilt.

The cake mix became a huge hit and still is today.

In that example, the housewives had the “this is too easy, so there must be something wrong with it” mental block.

We entrepreneurs have that same devestating block too. We just LOVE to make simple things difficult.

I’m guilty too. 🙂

Once you realize that the need to “add an egg” is nothing more than a mental block in your own head…you can move past it easily.

The technique I’m about to share with you, will stir up those same thoughts of “this is too easy” that have caused you either make things difficult, or even lose opportunities in the past.

And here it is…

You can get national media exposure anytime you want; and you don’t even need a journalist.

Strange, but absolutely true.

Think about it…the media landscape for entrepreneurs has totally changed.

The three largest press release distribution services (PR Newswire, BusinessWire, and Marketwire) sent out roughly 642,000 press releases in 2013. That’s about 1,759 press releases a day.

Additionally, the ranks of journalists continue to decline. The number of reporters toiling in newsrooms is actually lower today than in 1978 and continues to shrink every year.

This means more press releases than ever are raining down on fewer and fewer journalists.

When distribution of the press release reached only professional journalists, they enjoyed a free lunch. With little effort, they could write stories based on a press release from an entrepreneur like you, and those stories appeared fresh to their readers because they couldn’t find them elsewhere.

This advantage disappeared recently when press release distribution services started directly publishing press releases to the masses via the Internet.

No matter how clever your hook is, no matter how great your news is…you will almost never get a journalist to write a story about your business.

All your press releases will just disappear into the digital blackhole of the internet, costing you a fortune in lost time and money.

But what if we look at the journalists as merely “middle men” and not the goal?

The real goal should be two things: EXPOSURE and AUTHORITY POSITIONING.

Well, we cracked the code on delivering those 2 things anytime we want, without having to hope some journalist will run our story.

…and not just for ourselves, but for our clients too.
And now I invite you to take advantage of what we’ve learned writing and distributing thousands of stories in a style we call “AUTHORITY NEWS JACKING”.
If I could show you how to get news about your company published on national media sites anytime you want, that will in turn give you…
Unlimited exposure on high traffic national media sites, that will keep your business in front of (and in the minds of) your prospects
Powerful expert positioning you can use in marketing for years to come
… is there ANY REASON you wouldn’t want to know about it?

Here’s Your Invitation

You get full access to this brand new training. In it, you’ll look over my shoulder as I show you how to create AUTHORITY NEWS JACKING style releases for your own business (or even for your clients).

I’ll demonstrate how to get your message out in a way that will engage readers, prompt viral sharing and most importantly position you as an expert.
In fact, I’ll even give you access to our web based software that will help find trending stories in your industry, and even write the headline for you!
It’s even broken down into Video, MP3, PDF Transcripts, Checklists and Slidedecks so as soon as you sign up today you can start generating authority exposure in just minutes from now!

Our offers always sell out ahead of schedule, and because this is the best deal we have ever offered…I can guarantee this will sell out too.

Here’s Everything That’s Included

In this session, I’ll show you how to present yourself as an authority and savior to the deepest fears and unmanageable pains of your ideal prospects.
Celebrity sells. Period. In this training, I teach how to ethically “borrow celebrity” from any superstar you want, and tie in to news about you and your business.
You’ve seen articles where an expert makes a bold prediction about the future of an idustry. I’ll show you how to be the expert in those type of stories, and leverage it for powerful authority positioning.
You know those happy stories at the end of the local news each night? Or the inspirational stories that spread like wildfire on social media? In this session I teach you how to create those about your business.
This is our secret formula for sharing our success stories, and those of our clients. This is very different from what you seen in typical press releases.
For each session we give you various ways to comsume and learn the content. We have you covered!
Our own web based tool that will give you access to trending stories in your industry, AND help you craft a compelling title for your release.
We’ll give you steep discounts on our own syndicaiton service, specifically designed for authority positioning. However, you can use any syndication service you want. No restrictions.

This is EVERYTHING you need to know in order to inject your business into the national news and leverage it for authority positioning.

I used this exact process to write a story when we launched our podcast in 2013. It was picked up by over 100 major media outlets (including many ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX affiliates throughout the US).

We got massive national exposure to a whole new audience, and as a results our podcast was one of the most downloaded that week at sat at the top of the iTunes charts. Which brought in a whole new audience of prospects and customers.

And that’s just one example of how we’ve used this for our business.

But as I said before, this doesn’t just work for us…but for our many clients too.

So Don’t Just Take My Word For It…

Big Shout Out To Brian Horn…used a tactic from the Authority News Jacking Training Program that inked me a deal last night increasing the value of my company by a $1 million!!

Had a press release seen by an industry publication on Monday, they did a story on my company on Tuesday, Private Equity Firm in NY saw the industry article on Wednesday, they reached out to a behind the scenes industry powerhouse they invest in to contact me yesterday morning who tracked me down and we signed a deal last night for their technology!

Matt Loughran

When Brian told me, “We’ll get you mass media attention in less than 48 hours” I laughed and thought he was exaggerating.

But then in less than 24 HOURS, I was in ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox and many others.

This stuff flat out works.

Jody Jelas

I’ve lost track of how many PR firms I’ve worked with and how much I’ve spent. Some got me some action but not that much for what I paid. Enter Brian Horn.
By comparison, he’s from another galaxy! He got me immediate mentions in Fox, ABC, CBS and about 400 local outlets.

Dr. Ken Christian

Authority Newsjacking By Brian Horn, What is it included (Content proofWatch here!):

  • 00-Intro
  • 01-Expert Hero
  • 02-Celebrity Tie In
  • 03 – Prediction
  • 04 – Accomplishment
  • 05 – Feel Good Story