Empire Academy By Hey U Human
  • Empire Academy By Hey U Human

Empire Academy By Hey U Human

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $137.00.

File size: 11.3 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
Content proofWatch here!

  • Description


Empire Academy By Hey U Human – Instant Download!

Everything you need to run, grow, & scale your empire.

The energetic, tactical, & practical keys to your success.

Your Empire is waiting for you.
You know the one.

The Empire where you’re serving hundreds of thousands of people and have a dream team to make it a piece of cake.

The Empire where you have the processes in place for everything to run smoothly, but you also have the freedom to change plans if the energy doesn’t feel right.
But so far, piecing it together has felt…. off. Slow.
You know there has to be a way to blend the masculine doing with your feminine, easy way of being.
You know there has to be a way that feels better than this.
I’m about to give you the keys to your Empire.

Empire Academy is for you if…
You’re tired of being a one-woman show.
You need support. You know you need a team to make the magic happen… but have no idea how to find those people.
You’re sick of getting stuck Googling every last thing.
You just want to know how to use these tools & get things done in the best, fastest way.
​You need the strategy & support that actually WORKS.
We’re not just giving you a peek behind the curtain. We’re showing you how we do it ALL. This isn’t mere theory. This is how we’ve built a Million Dollar Empire, & we’re going to teach it to you.

I see so many entrepreneurs getting caught up in the things that don’t really matter,
Should my price end in a 7 or 9?
Is my branding the right color?
Should my masterclass be 3 or 5 days?
while completely neglecting the energetic foundation that all Empires require to grow & thrive.
Am I ecstatic to talk about my offer?
Am I in alignment with my purpose?
Who am I here to serve?
What is my business really here for –
because it’s not just about the money!
In EMPIRE ACADEMY, we’re breaking it all down for you:

  • ​What’s really important vs. what’s draining your energy.
  • ​How to automate your business so you’re working smarter, not harder.
  • ​How to balance your masculine AND your feminine energy in order to speak to your ideal audience.

Empire Academy By Hey U Human

It’s always been easier for the 1%…but I’m changing the game entirely.
Until now, only the richest people had access to the highest level of strategy, skill development, knowledge, and operations.
As I’ve continued to grow, I’ve hired the best coaches, the best designers, the best experts for ads, podcasting, funnel building… for all of the practical pieces that it takes to build a thriving empire.
Now I’m taking what I’ve learned, what my team has learned.. & passing it all on to YOU.
This is how we begin changing the generational wealth problem.
We give you access to the same level of knowledge, the same skills, the same strategy, & the same level of quality that was previously only available to the 1%.
We’re changing the game so that you can have access to the very best from the very beginning, even if you’re just starting your business.
As we learn the best leading-edge strategies for building a conscious,
people-first business, we’re passing that knowledge on to you..

We’re even giving you access to our behind-the-scenes magic:

  • Our actual Kajabi, ClickFunnels, & Email templates & automations
  • ​Our lead-generation process
  • ​The checklists & manuals we use to make every launch go smooth as butter..& live trainings from the incredible women who make it happen EVERY DAY.

I’ll teach you how to properly invest in your business.
We’ll be digging into both YOUR personal astrology & that of your Empire.
You’ll learn how to sell strategically, with a strong energetic foundation…
& how to put all the technical pieces into place so you have time for bubble baths & shopping trips, even mid-launch.

Learn from our team of experts

Empire Academy By Hey U Human

CEO, Sara Longoria Coaching
Simply put, I am a success mentor and teacher of energetics and manifestation to hundreds of individuals and companies around the world. I created my signature program — Rapid Relief Technique — out of a pure desire to address the missing piece of the manifestation world. This is a groundbreaking energetic and manifestation system that teaches YOU how to use life in a way to create EXACTLY what you desire in the fastest way possible.

My background is in data and numbers! I am a science nerd turned magic manifestor, which means I use my background in Biomedical Sciences, Neurophysiology, Energetics and Corporate Sales to help you break through your upper limit, and create unparalleled success. Most of my clients see massive leaps in income, spontaneous healing and lifestyle upgrades in as little as a few weeks.

I’m on a mission to teach the world an easier and quicker way to create a life they absolutely love using non-traditional manifestation techniques, proven innovative strategies and energetic principles.

Empire Academy By Hey U Human

COO, Sara Longoria Coaching
With over 15 years of corporate strategic planning and business development experience, Melissa has spent the last 5 years supporting and developing online businesses. She brings a wealth of experience in setting up the foundations of a business so they are easy, automated, supported and scalable.

Melissa has been foundational in developing offers, strategies and automation in Sara Longoria Coaching and knows all the strategies and technologies to embody true ease and flow into running a business!

In Empire Academy, Melissa is the go-to resource when it comes to systems, technologies, automation, strategic planning, hiring and business growth. She knows all the ins and outs of Sara’s business and will be sharing countless tips and tricks within the membership! Learn how to grow a business from a woman who has grown businesses!

Access a private technology portal filled with every how-to you could desire.

  • Design Technology: How to create stunning, strategic technology pieces in Kajabi, ClickFunnels, Canva, & WeVideo
  • Email Technology: Learn the ins & outs of Kajabi, MailChimp, & Infusionsoft, connecting them all together so you can replicate your efforts and collapse time.
  • Strategy: Dig into our logic & purpose on emails & organic growth. Step into your CEO role by strategically growing your team, structuring your offers, and deliberately breaking down your client journey for their best possible outcomes.
  • ​Automation: Escape the overwhelm from the highly-technical pieces with our guides on Zapier, Audience Segmentation, Email Communication, & Loomly.
  • Affiliate Program: Learn how to create a win-win-win situation with your best clients through an affiliate program. We’ll teach you how to set it up, manage all the data, & how to communicate with your amazing affiliates!
  • ​…and so much more, such as trainings on Energy, Managing Your Launch, & Lead Generation with new content added all the time!

Empire Academy By Hey U Human, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!)

Questions? Comments? Want to share your experience?
Supplemental Video: Introduction to RRT

Welcome to Empire Academy
New to Business
7 Figures and Beyond

Mindset Strategy
Shifting Into the CEO Energy
Shifting Into the CEO Energy Q&A Pt 1
Shifting Into the CEO Energy Q&A Pt 2
Going From Good to Great in Business

Strategy Sessions
Where to Start and How to Focus
Strategy Clarity Exercise
Clarity Journaling

Business Strategy
The Strategy of Hiring and Outsourcing
The Strategy of Hiring and Outsourcing Q&A

Your Business as an Ecosystem
Pricing Considerations
Pricing Consideration Q&A
Pricing vs. Perceived Value
Your Customer Journey
Moving Customers Through Your Offers

Business Roundtables
March 25, 2021
April 27, 2021
April 29, 2021
May 4, 2021
May 6, 2021

Business Astrology
Branding Q&A
Your Business Superpowers
Your Business Superpowers Q&A
Color Theory
Business Brand

Technology Tutorials
Bitly Overview
VPN/VPS Pt 1: Setting Up
VPN/VPS Pt 2: Paying Via PayPal
VPN/VPS Pt 3: Setting up Server & Managing Users
Downloading Facebook Live Videos
Payment Gateways: Stripe Overview
Payment Gateways: PayPal Overview
Zapier Overview
Monday.com Overview

Design Technology
ClickFunnels: Overview Pt 1
ClickFunnels: Overview Pt 2
ClickFunnels: Setting up & Designing a Funnel
Compelling Copy, Nurturing Your Audience, & Landing/Sales Pages
Video Editing

Lead Generation
Utilizing Facebook for Organic Lead Generation
Utilizing Facebook Worksheet

Creating Copy
Creating Compelling Copy
Creative Copy: Review
Creating Copy: Using Different Mediums
Creating Copy: Reviewing Facebook Posts

Branding Aesthetic
Brand Aesthetic Q&A Pt 1
Brand Aesthetic Q&A Pt 2
Brand Photography
Brand Photography Q&A
Brand Photography: Guided Visualization for Photo Taking