Investment Banking Networking Toolkit – BREAKING INTO WALL STREET
  • Investment Banking Networking Toolkit – BREAKING INTO WALL STREET

Investment Banking Networking Toolkit – BREAKING INTO WALL STREET

Original price was: $147.00.Current price is: $39.00.

File size: 2.92 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
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Investment Banking Networking Toolkit – BREAKING INTO WALL STREET – Instant Download!

Here’s How To Get Your Foot In The Door For Investment Banking and Finance Interviews… Even If You Shudder When You Hear The Word ‘Networking’

The Investment Banking Networking Toolkit makes it easy to create valuable contacts and connections that will ease your way into a great job in Investment Banking, Private Equity, or Hedge Funds. Read on to find out more…

  • Get networking blueprints and action plans for the 3 main strategies: informational interviews, cold emails and cold calls
  • Master the art of establishing and building banking industry contacts with our proven,
    8-step process for informational interviews.
  • Get dozens of email templates for requesting informational interviews, following up, asking directly about jobs and internships and more – so you can copy, paste, and find-and-replace you way to success.
  • Eliminate cold email anxiety with our copy-and-paste templates for initial request emails, follow-up messages, and examples of how to prepare and conduct initial calls to ask about internships and jobs.
  • Short-cut the cold calling learning curve with templates, scripts, and sample calls. Learn from our analysis of each call what the person did right and what could use improvement.
  • Forget about saying, “But I don’t know anyone in the industry!” as we provide you with the names and contact information for 5,299+ investment banks, 15,887+ private equity firms, and 4,545+ hedge funds. Turbo-charge your efforts as we show you how research names and contact information using Google, alumni databases, job sites, LinkedIn, Capital IQ, and more.
  • Test your new-found networking skills with the practice quiz questions included in the course.

What You Get — And What the
Investment Banking Networking Toolkit Will Do For You

The topics in The Investment Banking Networking Toolkit teach you everything you need to know to master the art of networking in Investment Banking and related fields in finance.

You’ll learn how to find names and contact information, how to plan your informational interviews, cold emails, and cold calls, and how to break into finance – without stressing yourself out or feeling “pushy.”

  • You’ll learn how to request, conduct, and follow-up on informational interviews, how to convert relationships into offers, how to cold email your way into Wall Street, how to rock your information sessions, and how to plan weekend trips that get you offers.
  • You get 37 video and audio files (8 hours of footage), along with email templates and scripts for the appropriate topics. Everything is presented in multiple formats, so you can watch, listen, or read depending on your own learning style
  • You get names and descriptions for 5,299+ investment banks, 15,887+ private equity firms, and 4,545+ hedge funds, organized by region (note: these include main phone numbers and email addresses/physical addresses but are not specific people at each firm).
  • Bonus Modules: You’ll also get dozens of email templates for all things networking-related; lessons on how to set up an effective LinkedIn profile and use it for maximum impact; and networking success case studies from students who used the tactics in this course to break into investment banking and private equity.

Here’s What Customers Are Saying About
The Investment Banking Networking Toolkit…

“Also, the Networking Toolkit is GOLD. It really shows me the line [between] effective networking and being straight-up creepy/annoying to strangers.”

Investment Banking Networking Toolkit - BREAKING INTO WALL STREET

Take a Look

Module 1: Course Overview, Firm Database, and Networking Action Plans

In this introductory module, you’ll learn about the three main networking strategies covered in this course: informational interviews, cold emails, and cold calls. You’ll learn which strategy is useful in which situations, and you’ll get detailed action plans with timelines and suggested steps at each stage of the process.

This module also includes lists of thousands of investment banks, private equity firms, and hedge funds so that you can use the information to start your cold emailing or cold calling efforts.

  • 4 Overview Lessons and Presentations: You’ll learn when to use each strategy, what the networking timeline looks like, and when to move on if you haven’t found success with a certain strategy.
  • 5 Action Plans: These plans explain how to approach recruiting as an early university student, a later university student, a recent graduate, a full-time working professional, and an MBA student.
  • Firm Database: And to accelerate your networking efforts, you’ll get lists, by region, of 5,299+ investment banks, 15,887+ private equity firms, and 4,545+ hedge funds (NOTE: These are just firm names, descriptions, and addresses. They do NOT include individuals’ contact information.)

Module 2: Informational Interviews

In this module, you’ll learn the step-by-step process for finding bankers, setting up informational interviews, following up on the interviews, and converting your networking efforts into real interviews.

In addition to dozens of email templates and several sample informational interviews from students and professionals, you’ll also get a tracking template you can use to manage your networking, and you’ll learn how to prepare for each conversation efficiently.

While networking does not “guarantee” real interviews, if you follow the steps outlined here, you stand a significantly higher chance of winning real interviews and job offers from banks.

  • Tracking Template: You’ll get a spreadsheet you can use to track your discussions with each banker, and you’ll learn what to record and what to ignore.
  • 10 Email Templates for Informational Interview Requests and Follow-Ups: You can copy and paste these templates, tweak them a bit, and save hours of time in your own networking efforts. You’ll also learn how long to wait before following up and what to say when you do.
  • Preparation Checklist and Questions to Ask: There are “stupid questions” in informational interviews, and with this checklist and sample question list, you’ll learn how to avoid them and prepare efficiently.
  • 3 Sample Informational Interviews: These sample conversations cover the undergraduate, lateral hire (working professional), and MBA levels; in addition to the raw transcripts, you’ll also learn what each candidate did well and what could use improvement.
  • 19 Email Templates for Following Up and “Making the Ask”: Conducting informational interviews does no good unless you convert them into real interviews and job offers – and you can use these templates to do just that.

Module 3: Cold Emails

In this module, you’ll learn the step-by-step process for using cold emails to request and win internships at smaller firms and large banks.

You’ll learn how to find banks and bankers, how to write the initial emails and follow up on them, how to convert these emails into phone calls, and how to prepare successfully for these “mini-interview” calls.

Finally, you’ll learn how to follow up on the calls and push the process toward actual interviews.

You’ll get dozens of email templates, four sample call transcripts, and a tracking template you can use to manage your cold-email efforts.

  • Tracking Template and Instructions for Finding Firms: You’ll learn how to track your networking efforts, how to find firms, and what to do differently when you’re targeting boutique firms vs. large banks.
  • 13 Outreach and Follow-Up Email Templates: These email templates (and the executed examples) will give you all the tools you need to get faster results and a higher response rate when you contact firms to ask directly about internships and jobs.
  • Call Preparation Checklist and 4 Sample “Mini-Interview” Calls: The goal of any cold-emailing effort is to speak with a professional at the firm and win a formal interview there; these examples, guides, and commentaries will explain how to prepare and what to say.
  • 7 Follow-Up Email Templates: These templates will show you how to follow-up on your initial calls and emails, submit your resume/CV and work samples, and politely ask about your status.

Module 4: Cold Calls

In this module, you’ll learn the step-by-step process for using cold calls to find and win internships at boutique investment banks.

Cold calling is not an effective strategy for most candidates, but it is useful in some contexts (e.g., for students without much experience who need an internship ASAP).

In these lessons, you’ll learn how to find firms and bankers, how to prepare for your calls, how to place the calls successfully and answer objections, and how to follow up afterward via the phone and email.

You’ll get a tracking template as well as sample cold calls and follow-up templates you can use in your cold-calling efforts.

  • Tracking Template and Process/Timing Explanations: You’ll get an Excel sheet you can use to track your cold calls, and you’ll get a detailed sample timeline so you have a realistic expectation of what to expect in the process.
  • 3 Sample Cold Calls: These cold calls include ones with positive and negative responses and “gatekeeper” responses (i.e., you cannot reach a banker initially). You’ll learn what to say and how to get past the gatekeepers.
  • 6 Example Follow-Up Calls: Your initial cold call is only the first step of the process, so you’ll learn how to follow up and be politely persistent until you win interviews in these examples..
  • 5 Follow-Up Email Templates: Even if you initially cold call a firm, you’ll often get better responses if you switch to email along the way – and you can use these templates to keep asking about internships and jobs.

Module 5: The Information Session Playbook

In this module, you’ll get a full “playbook” that you can use to dominate your information sessions (recruitment events hosted by banks) and beat out other candidates who are fairly clueless about how to approach bankers.

In addition to the high-level strategies and tactics, you’ll also go through a full sequence of a sample information session and learn who to approach, what to say, and what your goals should be.

  • Mindset and Key Strategies: This presentation will explain when and why information sessions are useful and how to get the most out of them.
  • Information Session Walkthrough and Follow-Up Email: You’ll go through a full information session and get a “playbook” diagram that illustrates the bankers you should speak with, the ones you should avoid, and how to stand out and follow-up successfully.

Module 6: Weekend Trips

In this module, you’ll learn everything necessary to plan and complete “weekend trips” (i.e., 2-3-day visits to financial centers in which you meet with bankers) that get you interviews and offers.

You’ll learn the key considerations you need to take into account, the proper timing for your weekend trips, and how to maximize your productivity.

And you’ll get email templates for requesting and following up on informational interviews, as well as a sample weekend trip schedule and an explanation of the most important points when conducting these trips.

  • Trip Planning 101: You’ll learn when weekend trips are useful vs. not useful and how to request and plan yours successfully.
  • Weekend Trip Request and Follow-Up Email Templates: You’ll get examples of emails you can use to request meetings on weekend trips and follow up afterward to convert the meetings into interviews.

And Here’s the Full Run-Down of Everything You Get In The Investment Banking Networking Toolkit…
You get 37 video/audio files (8 hours of footage), along with email templates, executed examples, and sample calls with commentary and analysis:

  • Names and contact details for 5,299+ investment banks, 15,887+ private equity firms, and 4,545+ hedge funds
  • Networking Tracking Templates for informational interviews, cold emails, and cold calls, including the key metrics to measure
  • Get Networking Action Plans that explain what to do and when to do it – so you’re never lost or confused
  • Email templates for every networking need, from initial contact to follow-up to “staying in touch” messages
  • Information Session ‘Playbook’ of the right high-level strategies and tactics you need to use to stand out from the crowd
  • 8-Step Process for building industry contacts and relationships
  • 8-Step System for cold emailing and cold calling your way into offers
  • Checklists and example questions to ask in informational interviews to maximize your efficiency
  • How to effectively use Google, alumni databases, job sites, LinkedIn, and Capital IQ as networking tools
  • Example informational interviews with commentary and analysis
  • Weekend trip planning guide for maximum networking productivity
  • Practice Quiz Questions so you can test your knowledge and confirm your understanding

Investment Banking Networking Toolkit – BREAKING INTO WALL STREET, what is it included (Content proofWatch here!)

  • Module 0
  • Module 1 Course Overview, Firm Database, and Networking Action Plans
  • Module 2 Informational Interviews
  • Module 3 Cold Emails
  • Module 4 Cold Calls
  • Module 5 Information Sessions
  • Module 6 Weekend Trips
  • Module 7 (Bonus) The Art of Effective Email
  • Module 8 (Bonus) Using LinkedIn Effectively
  • Module 9 (Bonus) Networking Success Case Studies
  • Module 10 The Investment Banking Networking Quiz