Joel Kaplan – Pay Per Show Agency Course
  • Joel Kaplan – Pay Per Show Agency Course

Joel Kaplan – Pay Per Show Agency Course

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $22.00.

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Joel Kaplan – Pay Per Show Agency Course

Joel Kaplan – Pay Per Show Agency Course

Joel Kaplan’s Pay Per Show Agency model has gained attention as a revolutionary approach to client acquisition and pricing in the digital marketing world. Kaplan asserts that the traditional retainer model is on the decline and advises agencies to shift towards a performance-based pricing structure to thrive in the evolving business landscape. Drawing from his own experience with Atlas Digital, Kaplan recounts how his agency faced challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting them to rethink their pricing strategy. The result was the adoption of a pay per show model, which proved immensely successful for Atlas Digital.

The pay per show model offers a unique advantage by reducing risk for clients and ensuring they only pay when a lead actually shows up for an appointment. This innovation has proven to be a lucrative decision for Kaplan, allowing his agency to secure new clients more easily and generate additional revenue. By transitioning from a flat monthly fee to a performance-based model, agencies can align their success with the success of their clients. However, Kaplan emphasizes that delivering tangible results is crucial for the success of the pay per show approach.

Kaplan advocates for constant innovation, warning agencies to be cautious about sticking to fixed monthly rates. He argues that in a rapidly evolving market, failing to adapt may result in falling behind competitors who embrace pay per show models. As the marketing landscape matures, businesses are becoming more discerning about the value they receive for their advertising dollars. Kaplan suggests that pay per show guarantees measurable and trackable results, providing a win-win scenario for both agencies and clients.

In comparing pay per show to other performance-based compensation models, Kaplan highlights its superiority. He notes potential issues with pay per lead, such as complaints about lead quality, and challenges with pay per appointment, where a high rate of no-shows can be problematic. Pay per sale, according to Kaplan, is difficult to track and may lead to financial uncertainties. In contrast, pay per show stands out as a nearly perfect model, ensuring clients only pay for quality leads that result in confirmed appointments.

To implement the pay per show model effectively, Kaplan suggests three essential components: artificial intelligence for continuous lead follow-ups, a remote call center to confirm appointments, and virtual assistants to handle various tasks. He believes that with these elements in place, agencies can succeed in almost any niche, with the exception of e-commerce and restaurants, as per Kaplan’s advice.

The question of billing under the pay per show model is also addressed. Agencies can either rely on the honor system or use automation, call centers, or virtual assistants to verify lead attendance. Billing software is then employed to process payments based on verified appointments. Kaplan’s Pay Per Show Agency program offers more in-depth insights, and interested parties can book a call with his team, although the associated cost is likely to be substantial. Alternatively, Kaplan suggests a method to run pay per show using free traffic from Google, providing an accessible entry point for those interested in exploring this innovative pricing model.

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