List Building Machine By Mike & Robin Pisciotta
  • List Building Machine By Mike & Robin Pisciotta

List Building Machine By Mike & Robin Pisciotta

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Media Type: Online Course
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List Building Machine By Mike & Robin Pisciotta – Instant Download!

Do You Want To Get Ready-to-Buy People Into Your Tribe…
Consistently Attract Hot-Leads …
… and get a never-ending flood into your pipeline every day… without wearing yourself out?

Listen, I’m sure by now you know just how powerful having a list of ‘ready-to-buy’ fans and customers is… Buuuuuutttt…

Up until now it just seems elusive, difficult, hit-and-miss and down-right time consuming…

Not to mention there seems to be a million ‘gurus’ with a millions different opinions…

‘Goo-roos – Schmoo-roos’ :)…

…And, well, we know what opinions are like, eh? 🙂

So you’re blogging, posting on social media, tweeting and spending tons of time ‘chasing’ lead after lead… client after client and it’s totally frustrating… trust me, I know!

You have a great message… but where the heck are the people?

You cant change lives, you cant change the world, you cant make any money without the people.

The biggest complaint and heartache that I hear entrepreneurs (newbies or veterans) have time and time again is…. I could sell this stuff… If I had people to sell it to! I could transform people, I could transform my bank account… If I had a big enough list…

Whether you sell pet supplies online, whether you have a physical storefront, or you’re a coach or consultant… you have to have a list … you have to have an audience of people.

Andrew Carnegie said “Take all my money. Take my business. But leave me my list. And in less time than you can imagine … I’ll have it all built back again!”

You need a list… plain and simple.

Even if you have a list already… if you have 75,000 people on your list… you of all people, know the power of having a list, and I know you want 150,000 people on your list… so I don’t care if you’re just starting out, or you are a super pro, you need more people.

Robin and I see this all the time and that’s exactly what motivated us to create such an in-depth program that completely levels the playing field… allowing even the ‘small’ guys to utilize the same list building strategies, tools and methods the ‘big dogs’ are using…

So here’s what we’re going to do..

We’re going to show you how to find the exact people who are desperately searching for you… right now.

If you’re anything like us, I’m sure you’d love a way to be able to learn…

✔ Where to find the ready-to-buy fanatics…
✔How to unlock a never-ending supply of people that not only love you… But invest in everything you offer
✔ How to put this whole ‘system’ on autopilot so it works without you (this is the big one here)
✔ And an easy-to-understand plan that lays everything out in clear terms.

Well you’re in luck! Because…

We’re about to show you some stuff that… when we put it to action… our business went from “pretty good” to absolutely freakin’ amazing… going from selling trash on Craigslist … to making over $100,000 in LESS THAN a year out of the gate of being coaches and consultants, with a brand new website.

It’s deep stuff, and also much easier than you think and … this is the exact same info we share with private coaching clients (who pay us more than $10,000/year) and it’s the same info we use to review other people’s existing marketing systems ($1,000 minimum to review).

This training is geared to show you exactly what you need to know to create a complete ‘List Building Machine’ from start to finish. We leave nothing out. Period! NO FLUFF!!

So you see, this training is much more than a how-to…

Marketing is much more than just ‘tactics’… Good marketing is about understanding people, what makes them tick, and how to connect with them.

So in this program, you’re getting the how-to, step-by-step walk through training AS WELL AS smart strategy lessons that are anchored in understanding human psychology (stuff that I’m certain you’ve never heard before that will change the way you look at doing online business forever).

Use This ‘Tried And Tested’ ‘List Building Machine’ System To Duplicate Our Success!

This system has come from years and years of experience and trial and error.

List building is our #1 priority with anything we do online, so we’ve been perfecting our methods and have broken it down into actionable, bite-sized pieces.

And now we’re laying it all out on the table so you can skip over the guess work, the time and money spent and costly mistakes.

Save time and money by knowing what to do and how to do it from the start, and secure your success.

Module 1 – Lead Magnet

  • Blueprint for creating the perfect lead magnet people drool over, every time
  • How to ensure your lead magnet leads to SALES and money in your pocket
  • Suggestions & ideas for every industry (and the one thing you NEVER want to use as your lead magnet)
  • 6 purposes of your lead magnet (and ‘getting leads’ is only one of them)
  • Fool-Proof ‘checks & balances’ so it’s impossible to get this wrong

Module 2 – Landing Pages

  • What type of landing page you need (yes, there’s more than one type)
  • Paint-by-numbers formulas to knock your copywriting out of the park
  • In-depth ‘Conversion Centered Design’ techniques (these play a critical role to increase conversions, without them you’re screwed)
  • Turbocharge your results by harnessing the power of human psychology (this one thing alone will give you a distinct advantage in your marketplace)
  • Easy-to-follow action steps, examples and screenshots so you’re not left in the dark.

Module 3 – Facebook Ads

  • Copy Strategy: 6 things your copy must convey (and we’ll even show you and easy way to get your copy to ‘write itself’)
  • Scent Strategy: 3 vital areas where your entire campaign must have congruency (you mess this part up, you miss the whole point)
  • Image Strategy: Choosing the right image can easily increase your conversions by 15-30%
  • The #1 must-have type of image to have in your arsenal that has more trustworthiness, relatability and gets more clicks
  • How to target – 8 best ways to target your FB ads (and which ones to use if you’re new, which ones to use if you’re a pro already)
  • The big secret weapon to find out everything about what your target market likes, does, buys, reads, etc.
  • How to make sure you are targeting people that are ‘known buyers’
  • Getting Facebook to do all the work for you – and automatically create a custom audience that’s your perfect match
  • How to bid and set your budgets for maximum action (for the big guys OR little guys)
  • Action Steps, Walk-Thru Videos for all the technical How-Tos, Case Studies & Examples

List Building Machine Also Comes With These Extra Bonuses:

Transcript & Workbook with Action Steps
Complete walk-through workbook so you can follow along and take action implementing everything you’re learning

Free Traffic Sources for List Building
In this bonus resource we show tons of places to get free traffic and utilize these hot spots to maximize your list building.

Headline Swipe Files & Formulas
Plug and play headline formula makes writing killer headlines and ad copy a breeze. Takes away all the guesswork.

Tech Tools That Take the Guesswork Out
In this bonus resource we share the exact tools we use everyday to explode our list growth and automate the entire process.

Facebook Ad Image Grids & Templates
Very useful tool that allowing you to know that your images fit into Facebook’s 20% text rule removing hours of guessing and ‘disapproved’ ads.

PLUS (A Few More HOT Bonuses)

So once you start building your list with the proven ‘List Building Machine’ system and adding new prospects into your funnel…

What about those folks who were interested in your offerings and packages but for some reason just didn’t say yes?

These are folks that were interested, but for some reason or another didn’t pull the trigger…

Do you just forget about them?

Move on?

Focus on other areas?

Absolutely NOT!

This is ‘low hanging fruit’ in your business…

THIS is opportunity!

It’s hard enough to get good, quality traffic. Why not maximize every ounce of it?

These folks were digging you but something got in the way.

So the question is…

What if you could track those folks who came to your site, saw your offerings and packages or expressed interest in your products and services, and bring them back to the exact place they fell off?

How much more powerful would your business be if you had this type of ‘insight’ into what’s going on?

How many more leads and sales would you get if you had these type of strategies in place to bring back that ‘low hanging’ fruit?

What if you could systematically track, target and market to those folks who fell off before booking travel with you?

Game changer, right?

And that’s exactly what we teach you in this new add-on training…

When you combine what we taught you in ‘List Building Machine’ together with retargeting … it’s full-on BEAST MODE that will completely transform your business.

So here’s exactly what you get in these hot new bonuses…

EXTRA BONUS #1: Walk through Video. “Retargeting Demystified: Complete walk-through video training”

This is a complete walk-through video series that shows you how your funnel should look, the exact steps on how to show THE RIGHT message, to THE RIGHT people, depending on “how far” they went in your funnel…. {getting that part nailed is the secret power to making retargeting work for you – your ad will speak RIGHT TO THEM as though you know what they did, or didn’t do on your website! How cool is that?}

I go right into Facebook and show you exactly how to setup the retargeting, create and install the pixels, and I also walk you through ad strategies, image strategies, ad copy and how to make sure there’s congruency all the way through.

I also walk you through how to use Facebook’s power editor to create your ads. Plus, we also cover ad copy, ad image strategies and how to take advantage of the low hanging fruit in your business with retargeting strategies.

This is a complete walk-through video training. You watch me map out the funnel, walk through the ad creation process right in Facebook. The whole sha-bizang. Nothing left out at all.

EXTRA BONUS #2: Walk through Video. “How To Use Facebook Ads & Retargeting To Enhance And Increase Any Offer”

This bonus walk-thru video will show you how to utilize Facebook ads and retargeting strategies to boost your sales and offers that you are doing VIA EMAIL TO YOUR LIST.

If you’re selling things via email, you know how important it is that people actually open and read that email, right? What if you could get MORE PEOPLE ON YOUR LIST to see the email you sent them? Wouldn’t it be great if you could show up on Facebook and remind the people on your list that you sent them an email? This bonus shows you how to grab their attention and get more “mileage” out of your email so more people see it – and you make more sales 🙂

List Building Machine By Mike & Robin Pisciotta, What is it included (Content proofWatch here!):

  • Fabulocity Bonus Call
  • lbm-audios
  • lbm-videos
  • lbm-workbook-bonuses