Speak for Ultimate Impact and Profit Program By Lisa Nichols
  • Speak for Ultimate Impact and Profit Program By Lisa Nichols

Speak for Ultimate Impact and Profit Program By Lisa Nichols

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $52.00.

Created by: Lisa Nichols
File size: 4.19 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours
Content proofWatch here!

  • Description


Speak for Ultimate Impact and Profit Program By Lisa Nichols – Instant download!

Speak for Ultimate Impact and Profit Program By Lisa Nichols 

Yes, Lisa! I’m ready to become an unforgettable speaker.

Speak for Ultimate Impact and Profit is a step-by-step system for transforming yourself from a good speaker to an unforgettable speaker – and building the CEO muscle needed to create a thriving, growing, profitable speaking business.

You’ll discover how to:

  • Easily find and get hired to speak by organizations whose missions can be furthered by your message.
  • Make a much bigger impact with your message while you are traveling the country – or world – serving the people you meet in a much deeper way.
  • Quickly phase out free speaking engagements that get you applause, but no clients.
  • Feel comfortable and confident asking for your full fee – and referrals to other potential clients.
  • Create a balanced, thriving business that supports the lifestyle you desire without having to “try harder” to do it.
  • Teach you proven, in-depth techniques to up-level your speeches from good to unforgettable.
  • Build a solid foundation for a sustainable speaking business, so you can deliver your message and still have a life.
  • Massively increase the number of speaking engagements and referrals you receive.
  • Expand your personal capacity by developing the mindset of a world-class speaker.
  • And much more!

Speak for Ultimate Impact and Profit Program By Lisa Nichols, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!)

Downloadable worksheets for each module
which will help you deepen your mastery of the content and begin to apply the lessons to your speeches and speaking business
13 additional video training modules
which walk you through the process for building your business foundation on cement, not sinking sand. Topics include: 

  • The 4 types of speakers – and which one you are
  • The difference between “task” and “maintenance” … and how paying attention to both helps you double your impact in a room
  • Developing the foundation for your core message
  • 5 steps to produce powerful messages
  • How to elevate the impact of your message
  • The Dip Theory … and how to use it to get your audience to stick to you like glue
  • The “Me, We, You” Audience Connection formula – an invisible technique that makes your audience feel like part of your tribe
  • Feeding your audience … so they want more of you – and more of your content
  • How to use the SNAAP effect to make every networking experience 5 times more effective
  • The secret to multiplying your speaking gigs x 3 by satisfying your current clients, while you’re simultaneously engaging your next clients
  • Proven strategies for growing your database organically – without relying on expensive, time-intensive tools like pay-per-click advertising
  • Getting yourself booked and building a sustainable business model
  • Developing the mindset of a world-class speaker and growing your business by expanding your mental and emotional capacity
  • The distinct difference between telling a great story and showing a great story – and how you can easily master the art of story
Formula Frameworks…
two resources to help speed and ease the process of creating your unforgettable message. You’ll get the Powerful Message Producer, which provides the framework for delivering a powerful message … and an outline for using the “Me-We-You” formula to connect with your audience.
Time-Proven, Fill-in-the-Blank Scripts …
The Dip Theory Script … the “Book me now” Script to secure more speaking engagements … a script for creating a stronger SNAAP message to use when networking … and the “Are You My Student?” script to help find new clients in your audience.
“Do It Like a Pro” Checklists …
my Platinum Video and Still Shot List to up-level your brand … and my checklist on how to set up and deliver a training.
“Here’s How I Did It” Sample Agreements …
including a sample speaker agreement and a sample joint venture partner agreement.
“Birth Your Best-Selling Book” Resources …
including a copy of the book proposal I used to get the Chicken Soup for the African American Soul contract … and my step-by-step guide to turning your books into best-sellers.