Speak to Sell Masters + Bootcamp By Lisa Sasevich
  • Speak to Sell Masters + Bootcamp By Lisa Sasevich

Speak to Sell Masters + Bootcamp By Lisa Sasevich

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $15.00.

File size: 11.49 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
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  • Description


Speak to Sell Masters + Bootcamp By Lisa Sasevich – Instant Download!

This is for you if you’re an expert, speaker or heart-centered entrepreneur who has been struggling to craft a talk delivers great content, feels good AND gets you BIG sales results!

Imagine — Creating Your Own Rush to the Back of the Room While Giving GREAT Content and Feeling FANTASTIC About Your Talk!

No, it’s not a dream. It really CAN be your reality. Read on to learn more about how you can get your message out in the world in a big way, attract tons of new clients who love you AND make big bucks without feeling sales-y or inauthentic.

Dear Friend,

Does any of this sound familiar?

• You know speaking, whether on stage or on teleclasses, is one of the best and most cost-effective ways to market yourself and get your message out in the world (not to mention attract high-paying and invested clients to your business). But no matter what you do, you aren’t seeing the big results you know you ought to be.

• You’ve invested in speaking training courses but something is getting lost in the translation. You really wish you could hear examples of how speakers have taken the formula and translated it to their business and message.

• You’ve listened to other speakers at events and on teleclasses but it’s really difficult to know who is actually successful at speaking and who is a flop. (And who wants to imitate a flop?) You’d really like to have a library of SUCCESSFUL speeches you could use as examples when you’re creating your own.

• You want to get out there and get known but you haven’t yet built the confidence to do what you know you need to do on stages. After all, your reputation is at stake! It would help a lot if you could model other successful people that speak and sell from the heart like you’re ready to do.

If any of this sounds familiar, I have GREAT news. I have the PERFECT solution for you to help you step into the spotlight with a talk you love, offers that sell, and the confidence that comes from being ready!

You see, it’s not your fault you’ve struggled to put your talks together. Sometimes you need to see it done in order to figure out how to do it on your own. But the problem is how do you know if the person you’re watching is actually getting results with their talk? What if you’re copying a talk that doesn’t work? Then YOU won’t get results either.

But what if you had a library of successful talks right at your fingertips you could watch whenever you needed help crafting your own talk, or wanted inspiration before you get on a stage? And what if these talks were based on my highly touted Speak-To-Sell Formula, which allows you to give, give, give and STILL sell?

Introducing “The Invisible Close
Speak-To-Sell Masters” Volume 1

ALL of these masters used my Speak-To-Sell Formula to get on the stage, give amazing value AND gross $20,000 to $200,000 sharing their expertise!

How do I know this? Because all but one were on MY stage (and as ALL my events are $7-figure events, these speakers are a key part of my success). Plus, as the Queen of Sales Conversion, I know a little something about converting on stage and on teleclasses in an authentic and non-sales-y way — which is what my Speak-To-Sell Formula is all about.

But don’t believe me — let them tell you in their own words about the success they’ve had using the Speak-To-Sell Formula:
“Lisa is the hottest ticket in the market…”

“Lisa is the hottest ticket in the market if you want to significantly increase your sales and revenues from the platform and in your business. She gets smack into the psychology of making the sales by presenting your products or services in a way that puts you in control and your prospects wanting to buy. If anyone buys Lisa’s material, uses it and it doesn’t work better than the traditional methods out there…they must be presenting to a dead prospect!”

As you can see, these Masters cover the gamut of business messages. For instance:

… Do you sell a “soft” topic (i.e. you don’t sell “how to make money” products or services)? We’ve got you covered with JJ (health) and Tim (discovering your life’s purpose).

… Is your topic difficult to explain, very scientific (or maybe even a bit boring)? Check out John (brain research) or Michele (market research).
… And what about putting a different spin on marketing or sales? Watch how Ari (sales), Mike (online traffic), Suzanne (branding), Lisa C (marketing), Ciara (events) and of course, me structure our talks.

So you can see for yourself EXACTLY how to tailor your talk to your specific message while giving FABULOUS content and STILL being paid handsomely!

This is great Lisa — so how will it work?

Once you invest, you’ll be sent a thumb drive will all 10 talks and all 10 order forms. I suggest you set aside time to watch each talk a few times. The first time you’re probably going to get caught up in the talk itself and all the fabulous content from each speaker.
The second and third time you watch, you can start to dissect what each speaker did and how you can apply it to your talk. Are there things you really liked? Are there things you feel could be done differently?

You may find you want to “mix and match” — take what you love from all the different speakers and put it all together to create your own kick-butt presentation!

Another way you’ll probably want to use these talks is for inspiration before you get on stage or on a teleclass. I know I do that a lot — listen to other successful speakers to get myself pumped up before I get on stage. It’s a great way to get the energy flowing and create that back-of-the-room rush!

In addition, you’ll want to take some time to walk through each order form — again take the time to see what you like and don’t like, so when you create your own form not only will you love it but you’ll get BIG results!

What’s the investment?

I’m not going to waste your time comparing the cost of this to new shoes or Starbucks since it’s worth every penny of the $497 investment. After all, if you were to have seen all these speakers live, it would have cost you over $3,000 just for the event tickets, not to mention travel expenses, hotel, food and time away from your office. AND you STILL wouldn’t know how well each speaker did NOR would you have a recording you could go back and listen to over and over again.

Plus, once you actually nail your Speak-To-Sell talk, you could easily gross $20,000 to $200,000 (just like these speakers) in ONE talk! Imagine — no more frustration and heartbreak speaking with little to no sales, and instead cashing BIG checks and being invited back to speak over and over.

About Lisa Sasevich

Recently honored as one of America’s Top Women Mentoring Leaders by WoW Magazine, and recipient of the coveted eWomen Network Foundation Champion award for her generous fundraising, Lisa Sasevich, “The Queen of Sales Conversion,” teaches experts who are making a difference how to get their message out and enjoy massive results, without being “salesy.”

Recognized sales expert by Success Magazine, and as one of 2012’s fastest growing independently own companies by Inc. Magazine, Lisa delivers high-impact sales-closing strategies for turbo-charging entrepreneurs and small business owners to great profits.
According to best-selling author Brian Tracy, “Lisa Sasevich is one of the greatest discoveries in America today!”

Kym and Sandra Yancey of eWomen Network say that “without question she is brilliant at teaching others how to leverage their unique gifts and qualities and convert them into a financial windfall. She is one authentic, heart-centered expert that delivers in spades!”

Robert Allen, author of multiple New York Times Best Sellers says, “She added a zero to my income today just by watching her. Lisa Sasevich. Watch that name and whatever you do, be part of what she’s doing. You’re going to love it.”

After 25 years of winning Top Sales Awards and training senior executives at companies like Pfizer and Hewlett-Packard, she left corporate America and put her skills to the test as an entrepreneur.

And in just a few short years, Lisa created a multi-million dollar home-based business with two toddlers in tow. Lisa is the undisputed expert on how to make BIG money doing what you love!

Speak to Sell Masters + Bootcamp By Lisa Sasevich, What is it included (Content proofWatch here!):

  • Lisa Sasevich – Speak To Sell Bootcamp
  • 01-LisaSasevich-Part1.mp4
  • 02-LisaSasevich-Part2.mp4
  • 03-LisaSasevich-Part3.mp4
  • 04-AriGalper-Part1.mp4
  • 05-AriGalper-Part2.mp4
  • 06-TimKelley.mp4
  • 07-SuzanneFalterBarns.mp4
  • 08-LisaCherncy.mp4
  • 09-MikeKoenigs. mp4
  • 10-JJVirgin.mp4
  • 11-JohnAssaraf.mov
  • 12-MicheleDeKinderSmith. mov
  • 13-CaraDaykin.mp4