The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik
  • The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

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The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik – Instant Download!

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

The Complete ‍Roadmap To Build Your Instagram Brand
The ultimate A-Z roadmap to growing your social media brand with raving fans, unlimited content ideas and a system to generate consistent income

What kind of results can I expect after implementing the
IGBF™ system?

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

You Want To Build An Impactful (Personal) Brand on Instagram® That NOT ONLY Gets You More Followers, Fans and Sales, but sets you up to become the #1 Authority Figure In Your Niche?

The Problem Is, You’re Overwhelmed And Have No Idea Where To Start?

I’m Here To Help You With That!

The IG BlackFile 3.0 is the most comprehensive program currently available to guide you through growing a dedicated audience, the inner-workings of the Instagram algorithm and hands-on strategies to turn your followers into income.

In-Depth Core Growth & Monetization Lessons
Students Served In Pretty Much All Niches And All Around The World
Combined Follower Growth Across Students.

Do you find yourself in some of these?

  • You are a (new) content creator ready to crush it from the start.
  • You think the algorithm is unfair, just because you don’t know how to treat it the right way.
  • You need a proven system that you just need to follow in order to get results.
  • You are tired of creating content and nobody actually caring about what you have to say.
  • You know that you need to build an actual brand as opposed to just some quick page to get massive leverage for a lifetime.
  • You tried other IG courses only to be disappointed that they still teach the same old methods.
  • You think you have to wait until you have 10k followers in order to monetize and start to make a living.
  • You are willing to execute and actually do the work using a step-by-step system that will get you where you want to be.

heyDominik is different and incredibly valuable to the social media marketing community as many are just out for wealth and personal gain, it’s clear Dominik is not a phony fly by night guru; he genuinely cares about his audience.

What is the IG BlackFile 3.0?
Me and my Instagram marketing agency have been building and managing Instagram brands for years – seeing through every algorithm change and closely monitoring current trends and long-term principles that set apart the successful ones from the rest.

Basically I’ve seen it all. Helping creators crush it on Instagram is my passion – and I want to help you, too!

I’ve condensed all of my experience into a simple to follow system – the IG BlackFile that gets you consistent results.

The Instagram Game Has Just Begun

More creators than ever are growing like never before. Accounts popping up like crazy and more people are looking for content just like yours.

People who are stuck at a plateau are usually those who listen to all the common, long outdated advice out there, teaching you quick growth hacks and no actual strategies to build a real brand with followers and fans.

The truth is, it’s takes more than just some growth hacks. You need a proven strategy to build and grow a brand that lasts through all these algorithm changes and “engagement drops”.

A brand with actual fans that are waiting for your content – growing not only WITH the algorithm instead of against it, but also kind of detaching itself from it.

Do you think you create great content, but the Instagram algorithm is just against you? YOURE’RE NOT ALONE!
That’s the exact reason I decided to create the IGBF System. To help creators like you!
Here Are Some Results Of Students Implementing The System:

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

What if you could have…

  • a step-by-step, no bs roadmap to building a highly influential IG brand
  • an actual brand with true fans as opposed to random followers that waiting for you to upload content
  • a system to create killer content and get the algorithms to recommend you like never before
  • waking up tons of new followers, sales and DMs from brands waiting to collab with you

The Only Instagram® Related Program Based On Continually Tested Strategies & Concepts
Let me be clear…

This isn’t another one of those guru Instagram courses that teach Instagram Growth like it’s still 2021 with the same outdated strategies they’ve been preaching for years.

The Instagram algorithm is constantly changing and it’s my job to keep you up to date and in the loop. ‍

After seeing a lot of these fake ‘gurus’ taking advantage of people, getting them to invest their savings into terrible and outdated products, and after seeing that 99% of Instagram advice out there is BS, I knew I had to do something.

I’ve invested years of research, running an Instagram focused marketing agency and refined the process that sets apart successful Instagram creators into a ‘ready to implement’ system anyone can follow, to get organic growth, setting you up for long-term success.

‍No sleazy tactics – no follow/unfollow. We’re talking about continually developed & updated marketing strategies that will help you build a real brand with true fans.

The IG Black File™ is the only implementation program of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to build your Instagram with highly engaging fans in 2022 — but how to to turn those fans into actual income.


  • Nailed down on a proven and validated niche (most people do not have a validated niche, contrary to what they think)
  • Branded & positioned yourself to become an opinion leader (with our expert positioning framework. And yes – everybody can become one, regardless of where you stand and what you do)
  • Built a strong Instagram foundation that sets you up to get true fans and is optimized for the algorithm and fit for algorithm changes
  • Become an Instagram Algorithm Pro (understanding every inch of the algorithms, how they play together and what you can do to give you massive reach)
  • Developed a bulletproof content strategy (creating content that builds demand, feeds the algorithm and make your engagement explode)
  • Implemented the latest IG growth strategies (to get laser targeted, organic Instagram growth – without having to be afraid of shadow-bans and whatnot)
  • Created & launched products your followers are waiting to buy (ever tried selling something to your audience and nothing happened? Not anymore!)

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

The IGBF Influence Accelerator™ System
A Proven Step-By-Step System That Shows You The ins and outs of growing your Instagram with True Fans, Explode Your Engagement and launch your products.

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

The whole plan is laid out for you, ready to be implemented. Ready to finally crush it on Instagram.

Breaking Out Of The ‘Loop Of No Results’
The IGBF™ is a 360 degree system designed to maximize all areas of building your Instagram brand organically, and it has been proven to work in basically ANY industry, such as:

Content Creators of all niches
Coaches & Consultants
Influencers & Experts in ANY industry, such as
Fitness, Business, Social Media, Arts and more
Whether you want to sell, or attract:

Brand Deals
(Digital) Products

We actually take you by the hand, get you to implement our Influence Accelerator™ system to your brand, and we’ll walk you through every process from getting real fans, organic growth hacks, to finally launching your first offer that brings home real profits.

Here’s What You’ll Get
You will never need another program again to succeed on Instagram

  • Target Audience Discovery
  • Instagram Algorithm Deep Dives & Strategies
  • Content Strategies & Break Downs
  • Reels & Short Form Video Content Strategy
  • Weekly Algorithm Updates & Insider Information
  • Templates, Scripts, Case Studies & Breakdowns

Take a Look Inside The IG BlackFile

MODULE 1: On-Boarding & IG Foundations

  • On-Boarding Survey & Welcome
  • Setting Achievable Goals As A First Step For Your Strategy
  • The System To Grow WITH The Algorithm Mapped Out
  • Overview Of The Growth & Monetization Road Map
  • Niche Discovery Blueprint – Find A Bulletproof Niche
  • Use Competitors’ Data To Get Faster Growth
  • The Path To 1,000 True Fans – Unlocking Your Real Fanbase
  • Optimizing Your Profile To Convert Reach Into Followers

Module Goal:
Build the foundations for a successful Instagram Strategy & Organic Growth

MODULE 2+3: Branding & Positioning

  • Brand Yourself To Stand Out As A Creator
  • Implement These 7 Steps To Create A Community
  • Practical Examples & Case Studies Of The Branding Code
  • Niching Down Mistakes & Fine-Tuning Your Niche Even Further
  • How To Position Yourself As An Expert/Authority

Branding & Positioning to get you in alignment with the Instagram algorithm and your audience.

MODULE 4: Research & Validation For Content Strategy, Digital Products and Audience Market Fit

  • Digital Product Blueprint – Creating Your “Cash Cow” Offer
  • The Exact Research Strategy To Find Highly Performing Content (& Make Sales!)
  • Lead Magnets, Validating Offers & Creating An Audience Relationship
  • Setting Up Your Lead Magnet (Technical Tutorial)
  • The Secret Strategy To Fine Tune Your Content & Monetization Strategy
  • Creating Irresistible Offers Your Fans WANT To Buy (WITHOUT Being Salesy)

Finding Ways & Creating A Strategy To Monetize Your Brand AND Highly Performing Content

MODULE 5: Instagram® Algorithm Masterclass

  • Overview: The Different Layers Of The Instagram Algorithm Explained
  • Penalty Algorithm Deconstructed
  • Content Algorithm: Creating Algorithm Friendly Content
  • Ways To Trigger The 5 Social Signal Metrics
  • Hacking The IG Algorithm: Future Proofing
  • Getting Rid Of A Shadow-Ban (+ Getting 1,000 Likes Easily)

Understand the inner-workings of the Instagram algorithm to grow purposefully

MODULE 6: Content Mastery: Creating Algorithm Friendly Content

  • Developing A Bulletproof Content Strategy
  • Using Emotional Triggers To Create Engaging Content
  • Identifying Breakthrough Content & The 9 Forms Of Content
  • Content Research Strategy For Getting Hardcore Fans
  • The IGBF Caption Strategy To Craft Highly Engaging Captions (& Trigger The Algorithm)
  • Untapped Content & Caption Forms That Evoke Engagement
  • The IGBF Caption Strategy To Craft Highly Engaging Captions (& Trigger The Algorithm)
  • Maximize Your Engagement (CHECKLIST)

Creating Highly Performing Content To Trigger The Content Algorithms & Grow A Fanbase

MODULE 7: Organic Instagram® Growth Hacks (Part 1)

  • Getting Your First 1,000 Targeted Followers As Fast As Possible With This Refined Strategy
  • The Hashtag Algorithm Deconstructed: How To Grow & Rank Hashtag
  • Tools For Better Hashtag Performance
  • IG Stories Deep Dive: The Algorithm & How To Get More Views
  • IG Stories Deep Dive: Optimize Content For Deeper Connections With Your Audience
  • Learn How To Create Highly Engaging Carousels That Get Recommended By The Algorithm
  • Template: Create Eye Catching Carousels WITHOUT Being A Designer
  • Full Reels & Short Form Video Course Included

MODULE 7: Organic Instagram® Growth Hacks (Part 2)

  • Post Notification Strategy & The #60s Hack
  • The Only Strategy To Rank You On The Explore Page (& Get Suggested)
  • Tools For Better Hashtag Performance
  • Master The Cross Polination & Reverse Audience Growth Methods For More Growth
  • Hijack Huge Account’s Traffic & Get Featured On Big Pages
  • Unlocking Instagram Live’s Hidden Power (Algorithm + Audience Development)
  • Use The CTA Hack + Template For More Engagement

Module Goal:
Master the art of Instagram growth to unlock unlimited organic algorithm growth potentials

MODULE 8: Influencer Marketing Deep Dive

  • The Massive Hidden Potential Of Using Influencers & Big Pages To Grow Like Crazy
  • The 3 Strategies To Grow & Make Money Faster With Influencers Explained
  • Learn Exactly How To Find Influencers, Structure Posts And Get The Best Results

MODULE 9: Boosting Engagement Organically & Getting More Reach

  • 6 Steps To Maximize Organic Engagement
  • Get More Story Reach With This Strategy

Module Goals:
Solidifying organic growth with more strategies and get your engagement level up – building a real fanbase.

MODULE 10: Grow With Instagram Ads

  • Instagram Ad Strategies Explained (Solidify & Scale Your Growth)
  • Let The Algorithm Find Audiences For You That Convert Into Followers
  • Tools For Better Hashtag Performance
  • The Secret Retargeting Strategy To Keep Your Followers Engaged

Module Goals:
Learn how to utilize Instagram Ads to solidify your growth and engagement even further

MODULE 11: Monetization Secrets & Case Studies

  • My Tools & Processes For Generating Revenue Through Social Media
  • Profitably Launch Your Products/Offers To Your Audience With This Strategy
  • How To Generate Targeted Leads With Your Instagram
  • Reverse Engineering Your Sales Goals: $10k/M With A Small Audience
  • Creating A Highly Converting Opt-In & Application Page
  • Deconstructing A Profitable Sales Process To Sell Any Product Via Instagram
  • Ethically Stealing Competitors Funnels And Working Sequences
  • Fast Cash Infusion Funnel That Makes Me Free $$$

Module Goals:
Implement a sustainable monetization process into your brand that makes you money WITHOUT being salesy.

More Results & Student Wins

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik

The IG BlackFile 3.0 By Hey Dominik, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • 01-IG Startup Accelerator
  • 02-IG Black File™
  • 03-ReelsDomination