4×4 Course By Gregoire Dupont
  • 4×4 Course By Gregoire Dupont

4×4 Course By Gregoire Dupont

Original price was: $2,499.00.Current price is: $15.00.

File size: 3.17 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
Content proof: Watch here!

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4×4 Course By Gregoire Dupont – Instant Download!


Develop your trading skills with our up-to-date comprehensive education video series and a wealth of downloadable resources. From key concepts to advanced processes, get everything you need to become a successful trader.

4×4 Course By Gregoire Dupont


4×4 Course By Gregoire Dupont
As a Professional Trader/Portfolio Manager/Hedge Fund Manager for almost 20 years, I know that learning how to Trade/Invest is a non-ending learning curve. This adventure is extremely exciting but needs to be ridden carefully.

In January 2018 after receiving many requests, I decided to start my own mentoring activities.

In October 2019, I launched the 4×4 Video Series to help Investors profitably manage their portfolios. By sharing my ideas/experiences and offering education through the 4×4 Video Series, I hope I can help you becoming a better investor.

Gregoire Dupont
Expert Trader & Portfolio Manager

4×4 Course By Gregoire Dupont, what is it inlcuded (Content proofWatch here!)

01. 4×4 Process An introduction to the All-weather Investment Framework.mp4

02. Big 5 Asset Classes How to Build a Diversified Portfolio that Works in all Market Conditions.mp4

03. Real GDP How to Use our Understanding of Real GDP Trend to Allocate Capital across Regions.mp4

04. Historical Returns How to Put the Odds in our Favour by Understanding the Past.mp4

05. Implied Volatility How to Use Options’ Implied Volatility to Determine Market Expectation.mp4

05. Introduction to Option Pricing Model.mp4

06. Employment Situation The Relationship between Labour Market Conditions and Inflation.mp4

07. Inflation Why the Headline Number is Misleading and what we should actually be Focusing on.mp4

08. Retail Sales & Industrial Production How to Use Coincident Indicator to Filter Trade Ideas.mp4

09. Central Banks and Interest Rates Possible Impact on our Portfolio.mp4

10. Consumer Sentiment Why this Leading Indicator is more important for U.S. Stocks.mp4

10. Idea Generation – Macro Picture – Leading indicators – ISM Fed Indexes.mp4

11. Other Leading Indicators More Insights for Idea Generation.mp4

12. Idea Generation – Macro Picture – Leading indicators – ISM Fed Indexes.mp4

12. ISM Manufacturing PMI The best Indicator for Generating Trade Ideas in U.S. Manufacturing Stocks.mp4

13. ISM Services NMI The best Indicator for Generating Trade Ideas in U.S. Services Stocks.mp4

14. Markit PMI How to Generate High-Quality Cross-Country Trade Ideas with Markit PMI.mp4

15. European Sentiment Indicator (ESI) The best Indicator for Generating Trade Ideas in European Stocks.mp4

15. Idea Generation – Macro Picture – leading Indicators – ESI Filtering.mp4

16. Big Picture Confused yet Making Sense of all the Macro Data.mp4

17. Top-Down Filtering An Overview.mp4

18. Fundamentals and Valuation What do Traders Look for in a Stock.mp4

19. Filtering Process (Part 1) How to Avoid the Dead-Money Situation.mp4

20. Filtering Process (Part 2) How to Identify Potential Stocks for further Analysis within a Sector or Industry.mp4

… and more (Content proofWatch here!)