The YouTube Code Cracked By Maxwell Maher
  • The YouTube Code Cracked By Maxwell Maher

The YouTube Code Cracked By Maxwell Maher

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $15.00.

File size: 4.08 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
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The YouTube Code Cracked By Maxwell Maher – Instant Download!

The YouTube Code Cracked

The YouTube Code Cracked By Maxwell Maher
The YouTube Code Cracked By Maxwell Maher

Why Should You Enroll In This School?

✅I have seen extraordinary success with my YouTube channel, amassing a large audience, and earning more than $125,000 a month in profit with completely organic growth. No paid ads. No selling my soul to Susan Wojciciki.

✅It took me 1 year of consistent YouTube content creation to reach a measly 3,500 subscribers… I could basically only get my mom and like 3 cousins to watch… But I finally figured it out and in year 2 I hit 225,000 subscribers. I now regularly gain more subscribers in 1 day than I did in my first 6 months.

The question to ask yourself is.. how much is your time worth?

✅It took me an entire year to figure out what the YouTube algorithm likes and dislikes.

✅In this school you will learn in about 9 hours what took me 2,000+ hours to figure out. Am I selling the ability to time travel? Kind of.

What You Can Expect With This School:

  • How to navigate the stress and awkwardness that is your first videos (I even show you some of my terrible first vids.. it’s bad)
  • How to produce high quality content for all budgets (from under $100 to a full $10,000 studio and everything in-between)
  • How to set up lights so you don’t look like a gremlin on camera
  • How to build an audience that actually likes and wants to watch you on a daily basis
  • How to quickly edit videos and thumbnails like a freaking pro
  • How to navigate the many ways to monetize your channel (my favorite topic)
  • What the algorithm wants.. Boy is she an elegant beast that algorithm
  • And much, much, more. Check out the full curriculum below if you’re still not convinced.

Covered Topics:

Why You Should Join (3:50)
Welcome! (3:50)
Starting Your Channel
What Should You Name Your YouTube Channel (3:59)
How to Find Your Unique Niche (4:07)
Your First Videos
Talking to The Camera is Awkward, Here’s How to Get Over It (7:19)
The Fear Of Posting- How to Defeat Analysis Paralysis (4:38)
Should You Use Other Platforms to Build an Audience on YouTube (6:10)
The Big Channels Don’t Know (much) More Than You (3:13)
How To Brush Off Hate And Keep on keepin On (6:11)
Your Friends and Family are Not Obligated to Watch Your Content (3:19)
Presentation Hacks
Importance of Tonality and Energy in Content Creation (5:21)
The Art of Storytelling and It’s MASSIVE Importance on YouTube (8:11)
Producing High Quality Content on All Budgets
Level 1 High Quality Video Setup for Under $100 (1:53)
Level 2, 3, & 4 – Mid Tier Quality Video Setups ($300 to $1500) (5:53)
Level 4 High Quality Studio Setup (3:50)
How to Get That Blurry Background Look (4:06)
How to Setup Lighting Like the Pros For Cheap (3:36)
Improve Audio Quality Instantly Without Spending Any Money (4:01)
What Makes a Great Backdrop (2:39)
My Gear List and Links
Building an Audience General
Why YouTube is Still The Number 1 Platform for Content Creators (7:04)
The Importance of Authenticity and How to Show it (4:24)
How to Build a Real Connection With Your Audience (6:11)
to Finish Writing, Recording, and Posting a Real Video on My Channel (16:48)
Content Philosophy
What is The Ideal YouTube Video Length (4:45)
My Philosophy on Quality of Audio and Video. Does it Matter (3:39)
Creating Content
Do You Need to Show Your Face to Be Successful on YouTube (3:21)
How to Format the PERFECT Video (7:59)
How to Come up With a Viral Idea (6:16)
How to Get People to Come Back to Your Channel (5:07)
Increase Your Odds of Success By Studying Others (3:22)
Is It Too Late To a YouTube Channel, Over Saturated (2:21)
Provide So Much Value That People HAVE to Watch (2:52)
Should You Use a Teleprompter (4:31)
Things I Wish I Knew In My 1st Year of YouTube (6:47)
Thinking Of Content Through The End Result (4:40)
Try Not to Be Too Cool (2:15)
Why The Best Content Often Fails (6:41)
Growing Your Channel Fast
How Certain Channels Grow Extremely Fast (5:26)
Collaborating With Big YouTubers (5:14)
YouTube Channel Pit of Despair
When Should You Quit (5:00)
Your First 1000 Subscribers and 4000 Watch Hours (5:08)
How to Edit
The Editing Software I Use (2:20)
Do You Need an Expensive Computer to Edit (2:42)
How I Edit a Video Step-By-Step (Actual Content Example) (17:58)
Quick Hack to Dramatically Lower Editing Time (4:29)
Free Software For Creating Expert Thumbnails (1:45)
Quick Way to Make Thumbnails Faster (2:06)
Insurance and Liability For YouTube
Do You Need Insurance For YouTube (3:02)
Should You Have an LLC for Your YouTube Channel (2:34)
Monetization Methods and Knowhow
What it Takes to Make $100,000 Per Year on YouTube (5:36)
Can YouTube be Your Fulltime Career (3:40)
How to Battle a Copyright Claim (5:49)
How to Master the Affiliate Link (5:54)
How to Navigate a Brand Deal (11:12)
Is it a Good Idea to Join a MCN (3:38)
Selling Merch best Practices and Tips (5:10)
Which Content Makes the Most Money (8:38)
Productivity Tips and Tricks
How I’m Able to Run a Business Fulltime and Produce 600 Videos a Year By Myself (8:37)
How to Produce More Content By Reducing Friction (10:28)
SEO and Algorithm Techniques
How Often Should You Post (6:25)
How to Come Up With the Best Tags For Your Videos (6:53)
How to Create the Perfect Thumbnail (10:05)
How to Optimize descriptions for SEO (4:26)
How to Rank in YouTube Search and Recommended (12:21)
How to Think of the PERFECT Title (11:23)
How to Use Creator Hacking and Trend Hacking (5:59)
How YouTube Knows if a Video is Great (2:55)
Is it Okay to Change Your Title, Description, Or Thumbnail After Posting (4:01)
Monetizing Your Content to Get More Views (2:42)
Smashing the Like Button – Does it Matter (4:24)
What is the BEST Time to Post Your Content (3:43)
Words You MUST Avoid in Your YouTube Videos (4:33)
YouTube Success
The Weird Downside of Fast Success on YouTube (4:22)
How to Livestream Like a Pro (My Entire Setup Explained) (7:36)
How to Live Stream a Video Call Without Wanting to Pull Your Hair Out (3:38)

The YouTube Code Cracked By Maxwell Maher, What is it included (Content proofWatch here!)

  • 1-Intro
  • 2- Starting Your Channel
  • 3- Your First Videos
  • 4- Presentation Hacks
  • 5- Producing High Quality Content on All Budgets
  • 6- Building an Audience General
  • 7- Content Philosophy
  • 8- Creating Content
  • 9- Growing Your Channel Fast
  • 10- YouTube Channel Pit of Despair
  • 11- How to Edit
  • 12- Insurance and Liability For YouTube
  • 13- Monetization Methods and Knowhow
  • 14- Productivity Tips and Tricks
  • 15-SEO and Algorithm Techniques
  • 16- YouTube Success
  • 17- Livestreaming